Management of Invasive Species

Base Knowledge

nothing to mention

Teaching Methodologies

1. Formal presentation for transmission of theoretical content;

2. Theoretical and practical classes for identification and characterization of species;

3. Field trips to observe in situ areas with invasion problems subject to different stages of management plans – data collection, analysis of the situation and proposal of possible changes;

4. Specialised bibliographic research, oriented by the teacher, with the aim of carrying out works;

5. Oral presentation and discussion of the work.

Learning Results

a. Know and be able to discuss the main issues related to the biological invasions problematic
b. Know how to assess and/or recognize the main impacts of invasive species
c. Know the legal instruments, at European and national levels, applicable to alien and invasive species
d. Recognize the main invasive species present in Portugal, including plants, animals and microrganims
e. Know the action plans in force for certain species
f. Be able to participate in the preparation of proposals and in the implementation of the various phases of a management plan for invasive species and invaded habitats
g. Be able to select and apply the most appropriate control methods for certain species and sites
h. Know the main risk analysis protocols for alien species and know how to perform a risk analysis


1. Introduction to biological invasions: terminology, dimension of the problem and process

2. Impacts and attributes of invasive species

3. Invasibility of ecosystems; biossecurity

4. Legal framework: EU Reg. No. 113/2014; National legislation and competent authorities

5. Detailed characterization of main invasive species in Portugal and, if they exist, their action plans

6. Phases of invasive species management plans, including case studies: -Prevention -Early detection and rapid response -Definition of objectives -Prioritization of areas and species to intervene -Selection of control techniques appropriate to species and sites -Implementation of the intervention plan: eradication, containment, control (initial, follow-up and maintenance) or mitigation -Monitoring and post-intervention assessment -Validation or Revision

7. Control methodologies (application and adequacy to the species): mechanical, chemical, biological, prescribed burning, etc.

8. Assessment of the invasive potential of new species and search for safe alternatives

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Por Exame
  • - componente teórica - 60.0%
  • - componente prática de análise de um caso de estudo - 40.0%
Avaliação Continua
  • - 2) Teste teórico - 60.0%
  • - 1) Trabalhos teórico-práticos e/ ou de pesquisa com possibilidade de apresentação oral - 40.0%




Casals F, Sánchez-González JR (Editores). 2020. Guia das Espécies Exóticas e Invasoras dos Rios, Lagos e Estuários da Península Ibérica. Projecto LIFE INVASAQUA. Ed. Sociedade Ibérica de Ictiologia. 128 pp.

Hulme P, Pysek P, Nentwig W, Vilà M 2009. Will Threat of Biological Invasions Unite the European Union? Science, 40-1

IPBES. 2023. Summary for policymakers of the thematic assessment of invasive alien species and their control of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services – ADVANCED UNEDITED VERSION.Roy HE, Pauchard A, Stoett P, Truong TR, Bacher S, Galil BS, Hulme PE, Ikeda T, Kavileveettil S, McGeoch MA, Meyerson LA, Nuñez MA, Ordonez A, Rahlao SJ, Schwindt E, Seebens H, Sheppard AW, Vandvik V. IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany

Marchante E, Marchante H. 2007. As exóticas e invasoras. In: Sande Silva J (Ed.) Do freixo à bétula, as outras espécies da floresta Portuguesa. Vol 5. LPN, Público & FLAD, pp. 179-98

Marchante H, Morais M, Freitas H, Marchante E. 2014. Guia Prático para a Identificação de Plantas Invasoras em Portugal. IUC. Coimbra. pp. 208. Disponível através de:

Tu M, Hurd C, Randall JM. 2001. Weed Control Methods Handbook, The Nature Conservancy. Disponível em:

Wittenberg R, Cock M (eds.) 2001. Invasive Alien Species: A Toolkit of Best Prevention and Management Practices. CABI. Disponível em:

Vicente  JR, Queiroz AI, Dias e Silva LF, Marchante E, Pradinho Honrado J. 2018. As invasões biológicas em Portugal: história, diversidade e gestão. Porto: Arte e Ciência – Universidade do Porto.



CABI Compendium – Invasive Species. Available at:

EASIN – European Alien Species Information Network, Available at:

Global Invasive Species Database. Available at:

LIFE INVASAQUA – recursos. Available at:

Plantas invasoras em Portugal. Available at: e sítios incluídos



Regulamento (UE) Nº 113/2014, 22 Outubro. Disponível em:

Decreto-lei n.º 92/2019, 10 de julho. Disponível em: