Management of Plant Protection Products

Base Knowledge

Biology and Plant Protection.

Teaching Methodologies

In order to achieve the objectives of the Curricular Unit and the acquisition of the expected competences, the learning teaching process is based on:
– Classes of presentation and discussion of theoretical concepts, by the teachers and the students;
– Practical classes in room and simulation in the field of real situations of manipulation and application of plant protection products and operation with the tractor and the application equipment;
– Visit to the warehouse of a establishment of sale of plant protection products and simulation of situations of responsible sales.

Learning Results

1. To know the Phytopharmaceutical Products and the legislation associated with their distribution, commercialization and use.
2. To know the rules for safety and risk reduction in the use of Phytopharmaceutical Products.
3. To know the equipment to apply the Phytopharmaceutical Products and the tractor, their operation, adjustments and maintenance.
4. To know the techniques to apply the Phytopharmaceutical Products more appropriate to each specific situation.
5. To know the rules to store and sell the Phytopharmaceutical Products safely and prevent accidents.


1. Safety in the use of Phytopharmaceutical Products, regulatory systems and risk reduction. Phytopharmaceutical Products: Concept, classification, modes of action, formulations, regulatory system, distribution, sale and use. Safety in the use of the products: toxicological aspects related with handling and application; toxicological and ecotoxicological symbols. The label and the personal protective equipment (PPE). Some symptoms of poisoning with Phytopharmaceutical Products. Reduction of risk in the handling and application of the products. Dose and concentration.. The use of the correct PPE. Reduction of the risk to the environment. Risks for non-target species. Reduction of the risk to the consumer. Residue control.
2. Equipment and application techniques. Conservation and maintenance of the application equipment.
3. Storage of plant protection products, responsible sales and accident prevention. First aid actions.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Teste de exame - 100.0%
Avaliação contínua
  • - 2 Apresentações com discussão - 50.0%
  • - Teste teórico - 50.0%




Decreto-Lei 101/2009 de 11 de maio, PFs e Ambiente doméstico.

Moreira, JF (2006) Exposição aos Produtos Fitofarmacêuticos do operador de material de aplicação. DGPC. MADRP.

Simões, JS (2005) Utilização de Produtos Fitofarmacêuticos na Agricultura. Colecção Agricultura e Ambiente. Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação.

DGAV (2016) Guia dos Produtos Fitofarmacêuticos Lista dos Produtos com Venda Autorizada.

Decreto-Lei 187/2006 de 19 de setembro, Resíduos de Embalagens de PFs.

Lei 26/2013 de 11 de Abril, Distribuição, Comercialização e Aplicação de PFs.

DGAV (2015) Guia de Produtos Fitofarmacêuticos autorizados para uso não profissional.

Portaria nº 758/2007 de 3 de julho, Recolha de Embalagens de PFs.

Regulamento 2009/1107/CE de 21 de outubro, Zonas homogéneas.

Santos, C, Silva, JHA & Gouveia, JLH (2012) Armazenamento e aplicação de produtos fitofarmacêuticos, Manual de procedimentos. DRDA, SRAF, Governo dos Açores.

Directiva 2009/128/CE de 21 de Outubro, Uso Sustentável dos Pesticidas.

Plano da Acção Nacional para o Uso Sustentável dos Produtos Fitofarmacêuticos. Volumes I e II. Direcção Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária. Ministério da Agricultura e do Mar. Lisboa. 2013.

DGADR (2010) Código de Conduta nos Circuitos de Distribuição e Venda de PFs.

Directiva 2009/127/CE de 21 de outubro, Material de Aplicação.

ANIPLA (s/ data). Cultivar a Segurança. Manual Técnico – Segurança na Utilização de Produtos Fitofarmacêuticos.

Decreto-Lei 86/2010 de 15 de junho, Inspecção de pulverizadores.