Base Knowledge
Anatomy and biomechanics.
Teaching Methodologies
Expositive, demonstrative and practical class.
Attendance to students for questions via e-mail and / or video conference
Learning Results
Acquisition of concepts in the area of pain mechanisms, anatomy, histopathology and biomechanics,
relevant to manual therapy
Acquire manual skills for the practical application of basic techniques of Myofascial Induction Therapy
(structural techniques)
Improve the subjective and objective evaluation capacity, in the identification of musculoskeletal problems,
especially myofascial origin
Improve the ability to structure an intervention according to the data obtained through the evaluation
Enhance the development of clinical reasoning, in the face of myofascial pain syndrome or fascial restriction
Develop the ability to evaluate and reassess (constantly) during interventions and develop the ability to
adapt the therapeutic scheme to the evolution of the condition
Enhance the development of differentiated tactile experiences, which allow a greater capacity for
identification and intervention of problems in the area of musculoskeletal physiotherapy
1. Myofascial pain syndrome (6 hours)
• Myofascial trigger point
• Activation / perpetuation factors
2.Introduction to the myofascial induction method (10 hours):
• Anatomy of the fascia
• Histopathology
• Myofascial dysfunction
• Global assessment techniques
• Surface and deep techniques
• Deep induction techniques
3. Assessment, intervention and reasoning in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome (20 hours)
• Lower limb – Review of anatomy, biomechanics, palpatory anatomy, evaluation (movement tests and
special tests), intervention and clinical reasoning
• Upper limb – Review of anatomy, biomechanics, palpatory anatomy, evaluation (movement tests and special tests), intervention and clinical reasoning
• Thoracic and lumbosacral spine – Anatomy, biomechanics, palpatory anatomy, evaluation (movement tests
and special tests), intervention and clinical reasoning
• Cervical spine and tempero-mandibular joint – Anatomy, biomechanics, palpatory anatomy, evaluation
(movement tests and special tests), intervention and clinical reasoning
Curricular Unit Teachers
Primary Bibliograpy
Magee DJ (2005) Orthopedic Physical Assessment Enhanced Edition, WB Saunders, Philadelphia, PA
Pilat, A (2003), Terapias Miofasciales: Inducción Miofascial, McGraw-Hill, Madrid
Chaitow, L (2017), Terapia Manual para disfunção miofascial, Artmed [recurso electrónico]