Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical classes with projection of theoretical slides on the different topics covered and use of a web platform to assist the classes.
Theoretical-practical classes with resolution of exercises / practical examples.
Mandatory attendance in 75% of theoretical-practical classes;
Learning Results
Understand and implement techniques of organization and management of an industrial maintenance department;
Perform diagnostic audits of the maintenance status;
Know how to organize an equipment park;
Develop and implement maintenance plans for machines and equipment;
Perform internal and subcontracted work management;
Apply techniques of fault diagnosis;
Evaluate maintenance costs and times;
Develop and monitor maintenance control indicators;
Identify and apply standardized quality management methodologies;
Know how to research and adopt quality engineering techniques for production or service work;
Know how to design and implement quality control plans;
Know how to develop and monitor quality control indicators.
Understand quality in a business context: Portuguese and European Quality Systems.
Understand the requirements of the Quality Management Systems certification standards.
Understand and apply quality techniques and tools.
1.1 Quality Control Framework
Quality management. Definitions and Concepts. Fundamental concepts of quality.
Metrology, Application of basic quality tools.
1.2 Standardization of “Quality Management”
The 8 principles of quality management. ISO 9000 series standards. Certification process.
1.3 Metrology and control of RMM’s
International system of measures; Standards; calibration, testing and certification; RMM’s – Monitoring and Measurement Resources
1.4 Process Control
Introduction to SPC (Statistic Process Control); Flowcharts; Pareto diagram; Cause-Effect Diagram; Histograms; Sampling techniques; Scatter diagram
1.5 Portuguese Quality System
Quality Certification.
1.6 Audits
1.7 Vision Tools applied in Quality Control.
1.8 Data analysis tools in Quality Control.
2.1 Maintenance Framework and Organization
Management of Maintenance on the prism of electrotechnical engineering. The Costs of Maintenance. Definitions and Concepts.
2.2. Maintenance Management Audit
Modernization Project. The Technical, Organizational and Human Dimensions (TOH). From the various phases of the process, the diagnosis.
Condition of Successful Diagnosis. The Diagnosis as a Reorganization Tool. Audit Framework. Audit Approach. Structure of the Audit. Conduct of the Audit. Intervention Report.
2.3. Organization of the Park
Codification of Equipment. Classification of equipment by its importance. Determination of the degree of urgency and priorities of applications for action.
2.4. Types of Maintenance Work
Improvement Maintenance Works. Preventive Maintenance Works. Corrective Maintenance Works. Other Types of Work.
2.5. Maintenance Planning
Function Planning. The Five Levels of Planning. Specific character of the Planning of Maintenance Works. Technical-Administrative Organization. Supply of spare parts.
2.6. Subcontracting Maintenance Services
Functions to be Subcontracted; Grounds for Subcontracting.
2.7. Maintenance Costs
Direct and Indirect Costs. Optimization of Costs. Cost of Possession of an Equipment. Cost of the Life Cycle of an Equipment.
2.8. Maintenance Times
Fault times. MTBF. MTTR. Non-Production Times.
2.9. Maintenance Control Indicators
Economic and non-economic indicators. Maintainability. Availability. Reliability.
2.10. IMMS (Integrated Maintenance Management Systems)
Computer systems to support maintenance management.
2.11. Statistic
Statistics applied to maintenance management.
2.12. Maintenance management techniques
TPM (Total Productive Maintenance). Terology. Asset Management
2.13. Special maintenance techniques
Thermography. Calibration. Shutdown of maintenance facilities (Shutdowns).
Curricular Unit Teachers
Main bibliography in the library:
Ferreira, L.A. (1998). An Introduction to Maintenance. Publindustry. 972-95794-4-X.
Assis, R. (1997). Reliability Centered Maintenance. Lidel. 972-757-037-2
Existing bibliography on the support platform:
Fonseca, I. (2012) Support texts for Maintenance and Quality Control. ISEC.
Extra bibliography:
Pinto, J.P. (2013). Lean maintenance. Lidel. 978-972-757-877-1
Assis, R. (2010). Maintenance Decision Support in Physical Asset Management. Lidel. 978-989-752-112-6
Cabral, J.P.S. (2006). Maintenance Organization and Management, from concepts to practice. Lidel. 9789727574407.