
Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

The Curricular Unit will operate through a system of theoretical-practical classes, optional although strongly recommended, where theoretical expositions will always be accompanied by the illustration and resolution of practical cases arising from the application of marketing in business life. To make the exhibitions more appealing, different audiovisual media will be used and students will be encouraged to carry out small research work / consolidation of knowledge during classes.

Classes will be taught in Portuguese.

Learning Results

a) Objectives

This curricular unit aims to provide students with mastery of the concepts and philosophy of marketing as an important management tool. It is also intended that students benefit from a comprehensive overview so that students clearly understand the marketing analytical process, combining analysis, strategy and implementation of operational marketing policies with the objective to ensure that offerings achieve superior satisfaction of customer needs and desires. Thus, with the overall objective of providing students with the necessary knowledge to prepare for the development of their work in the area of ​​marketing in different types of organizations, this curricular unit has the specific objectives of providing students with:

O1. Master the fundamental concepts of marketing with the aim of understanding the concept of value and how the evolution of these concepts and the notion of marketing, its practices and functions contribute to the success of companies/organizations

O2. To understandbroadly the dynamics of the organization’s surrounding market, towards a consistent identification of strategic business opportunities with the aim of ensuring that offers achieve superior satisfaction of customers’ needs and desires

O3. Know the components of a marketing information system, which must be based on the collection and processing of market indicators that allow understanding the consumer and their rational purchasing decision-making process

O4. Master the concepts and techniques foridentify, classify and distinguish the different stages of a segmentation process, choosing the target market and differentiation/positioning techniques, in an STP approach: Segmentation; Targeting and Positioning.

O5. Master the concepts that allowrecognize, define and explain the elements of the marketing mix, in a coherent way, taking concrete problems and situations as reference, allowing the interconnection between marketing-mix management (product, price, distribution and communication) with management relationship marketing (consumer, client, competitor, suppliers, pressure/influence groups and employees of the institution itself)

O6. Master the concepts that allow you to understand the ethical implications of marketing activity and the impact of organizations’ social responsibility policies on society

O7. Be alert to constant developments in the market, its analysis techniques and forms of interaction with the consumer, so that students understand the importance of concepts such as those relating to digital marketing, big data processing, blockchain, among others

O8. Integrate previous knowledge with the strategic and global thinking of the business with a view to developing an integrated marketing plan


b) Skills to be acquired:

This curricular unit offers students the skills necessary to develop their marketing skills in the job market, in which they must adopt an active attitude towards the customer and the market. Therefore, with the syllabus of this curricular unit, it is expected to develop the following skills in students:

C1. Understand, relate and apply the fundamental principles of marketing and its scope of action

C2. Know, in general terms, the evolution and history of marketing;

C3. Identify the different functions of marketing;

C4. Describe and analyze the elements, trends and changes in the surrounding environment and how the organization can prepare and/or adapt to these changes, preparing a SWOT analysis

C5. Know the components of a marketing information system

C6. To describepurchasing behavior of the consumer market based onanalyzing the rational consumer decision-making process and identifying new consumer characteristics to specify strategies for maintaining successful relationships with consumers

C7. Characterize the mechanisms and methods for collecting and analyzing data relevant to the management of marketing activities, with emphasis on the market research system

C8. Ability to, based on the concepts of Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, identify the main bases for segmenting a market, whichthe most attractive market segments, and consequent choice of a correct strategy for their coverage and which positioning to adopt in each of these segments

C9.Identify and characterize the particularities of marketing action variables/policies (marketing-mix: product, price, distribution and communication), illustrating their interrelationships, and realizing their complementarity with the general segmentation process, with a view to identifying and define operational marketing programs and evaluate the impact of these

C10. Understand the impact of socially responsible actions by organizations and the impact of ethical behavior by consumers and companies

C11. Ability to identify and analyze emerging marketing trends

C12. Ability to define and structure a marketing plan

Additionally, teamwork is also encouraged using methodologies that actively involve students in the learning process and their ability to critically analyze situations and solve problems creatively by proposingsolutions appropriate to professional practice related to the area under study.


Chapter I – Marketing and value creation

1.1 – Fundamental Marketing Concepts

1.2 – Evolution of the role of marketing

1.3 – Marketing philosophy and attitude


Chapter II – Market Study

2.1 – Analysis of the Marketing Environment

2.2 – Analysis of the market and its stakeholders

2.3 – Consumer behavior

2.4 – Market studies


Chapter III – Segmentation and Positioning

3.1 – Market segmentation

3.2 – Target market choice

3.3 – Market Positioning


Chapter IV – Marketing Policies

4.1 – Introduction to the marketing mix

4.2 – Product Policy

4.3 – Price Policy

4.4 – Distribution Policy

4.5 – Communication Policy


Chapter V – Ethics and social responsibility in marketing

5.1 – Ethics in marketing

5.2 – Social responsibility in marketing


Chapter VI – Marketing development scenarios

6.1 – New trends in marketing


Chapter VII – The Marketing Plan

7.1 – Components of the Marketing Plan

7.2 – Strategic and Operational Marketing

7.3 – The Marketing Budget

Curricular Unit Teachers




Bibliografia Fundamental (Fundamental Bibliography):

  • Kotler, Philip; Armstrong, Gary (2021), Principles of Marketing, 18th Global Edition, Pearson Education Limited. ISBN 13: 978-1-292-34113-2
  • o(Kotler, Philip; Armstrong, Gary (2015), Principios de Marketing, 15ª Edição Pearson. ISBN  9788543004471 [mais antigo, em Português do Brasil])
  • Baynast, A., Lendrevie, J., Lévy, J., Dionísio, P. e Rodrigues, JV (2021), Mercator – 25 Anos: o Marketing na Era Digital, 18ª Ed, Publicações D. Quixote
  • Stanton, William J.; Etzel, Michael; Walker (2007), Fundamentos de Marketing, 14ª Ed. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ISBN: 970-10-3825-8

Bibliografia Complementar (Complementary Bibliography):

  • Avis, Maria C (2021), Marketing Digital Baseado em Dados: Métricas e Performance, Intersaberes
  • Conrado, Adolfo (2016), Os 8Ps do Marketing Digital: O Guia Estratégico do Marketing Digital. 3ª Ed, Texto Editores
  • Kotler, Philip (2014), Marketing para o Século XXI: Como Conquistar e Dominar Mercados, Editorial Presença. ISBN: 9788522015757
  • Kotler, Philip; Armstrong, Gary (2020), Marketing: An Introduction, 14th Global Edition, Prentice-Hall Europe. ISBN: 978-0135887158
  • Kotler, Philip; Kartajaya, Hermawan; Huan, H; Mussry, J (2023), Entrepreneurial Marketing. Wiley
  • Kotler, Philip; Kartajaya, Hermawan, Setiawan, Iwan (2021), Marketing 5.0: Tecnologia para a Humanidade, Actual Editora. ISBN: 9789896946005
  • Kotler, Philip; Kartajaya, Hermawan, Setiawan, Iwan (2017), Marketing 4.0: do Tradicional ao Digital, Actual Editora. ISBN: 9789896942083
  • Kotler, Philip, Keller, Kevin Lane; Chernev, Alexander (2022), Marketing Management, 16th Edition, Pearson Education Limited. ISBN: 9781292404813
  • Lambin, Jean-Jacques (2000), Marketing Estratégico, Portugal, 4-ª Edição, McGraw-Hill. ISBN 972-773-040-X
  • Nascimento, Rodrigo (2021), Marketing na Era dos Dados: o Fim do Achismo, Editora Évora