Marketing in Audiology

Base Knowledge

The student should have knowledge of the different clinical areas of the scientific field of Audiology, with emphasis on Aural Rehabilitation. Knowledge of communication and counseling skills in audiology, as well as the psychology of interpersonal relationships, should be emphasized.

Teaching Methodologies

Lectures using audiovisual aids and interaction between student and teacher, using theoretical-practical classes to reinforce understanding of the syllabus. Classes are face-to-face and distance learning is possible up to a limit of 25%.

Students will be accompanied throughout the semester with clarification of doubts, whenever requested and as a complement to their training. Two hours a week are made available, with a predefined timetable or one to be agreed with the student.

Each student is also provided with teaching aids for all the material taught, with the recommended bibliographical references for the subject, at the beginning of the semester.


Learning Results

Learn about marketing strategies and apply them to the different aspects of audiology.

Acquire tools for knowledge, analysis, planning and development of ideas and businesses.

Acquire knowledge of the national and international hearing rehabilitation market.


Definition of Marketing and its application in Audiology (1h)

Marketing Principles (2h)

              Marketing Mix 4P’s (Products) 7P’s (Services)

              Development of a marketing strategy and plan

Markets and consumers (2h)

              The customer as a central element

Strategies and competitiveness (2h)

              Market Analysis (Porter’s Diamond, PEST and PESTEL, SWOT)

              Competitive advantages

               Market research; Market classification; market segmentation

Aural Rehabilitation Marketing (7h)

               Product and Service Marketing

               Relationship marketing and the value of customer relationships

               Retention strategies


              Required Skills for Sales Professional

              The Sales phases according to the AIDA method and the Sales Seven Steps method

Diagnostic Marketing (4h)

              Service Marketing

              Quality in Services

              The five dimensions of service quality

              Service quality management and assessment

Prevention Marketing Cause (2h)

              Marketing or Social Marketing

              Marketing and people’s behavior in relation to hearing care

              Individual work – Social Marketing

Digital Marketing (2h)

Personal Marketing (2h)

Presentation of individual work and group work (4h)

Evaluation (2h)


Curricular Unit Teachers





Helfer, J.P., J. Orsoni. (1996), Marketing, Lisboa: Sílabo.

Lendrevie, J., de Baynast, A. & Emprin, C, Publicitor (2008). Comunication Online and Off Line, Paris: Dunod

Lindon, D. Mercator XXI. (2011). Teoria e Prática do Marketing: Lisboa: Dom Quixote.

Lopes, J.L.P. (2011). Fundamental dos Estudos de Mercado, Lisboa: Sílabo.

Machuret, J. J., Deloche, D. & D` Amart, J. (1996). Comerciator. Teoria e práticas da vida da qualidade nos sistemas de venda. Dom Quixote.

Pereira, P. S. & Rousseau J.A. Estudos de Mercado e Consumidores, Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação.

Rudden D. (2016). Can You Hear Me Now? Marketing Essentials for Audiologists in a Noisy Health Care World. Seminars in hearing, 37(4), 325–339.

Taylor, B. (2015) Marketing in audiology practice, San Diego, Plural Publishing, ISBN 978-1-59756-569-1

Hosford-Dunn et al (2008) – Audiology – Practice Management, Cap5. (pp. 79-127), Thieme



 Hooley, G., Piercy, Nigel F. & Nicoulaud, B. (2008). Marketing strategy and competitive positioning. Harlow; United States: Prentice Hall/Financial Times.

Kotler, P., Wong, V., Saunders, J., & Armstrong, G. (2004). Principles of Marketing: European Edition. Prentice Hall Europe.

Kotler, Philip, Lee, N. (2008). Social Marketing: Influencing Behaviors for Good. 3rd Ed. CA: Sage Publications.

 Kotler, P., Lane Keller, K., Brady, M., Goodman, M., & Hansen, T. (2012). Marketing Management. (2. ed.) Pearson Education Ltd.