Marketing Principles

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The UC includes lectures, in which students are expected to have an active participation.
Slides will also be used, which will include figures, so that students can have a perspective closer to the reality of marketing.

It will also resort to the study of real cases through the constitution of working groups.

For students who choose periodic assessment, work developed as a team will be proposed.

Teamwork includes:

A first presentation by the team on their perception of marketimg
Field work, consisting of meetings and research, and preparation of the written report;
Exhibition of work in a class with the participation of the team

Learning Results

In the Curricular Unit, Marketing Principles, it is intended to teach the concepts and philosophy of marketing.
It is also intended that students have an integrated view of the marketing strategy as well as the
marketing policies.
As a final objective, this course aims to provide students with the necessary preparation for the
development of their work in the field of marketing in different types of organizations.
This course should provide students with the necessary skills to develop their
skills in the labor market, where they must adopt an active attitude towards the client and towards the


Parte I – Introduction to marketing and value creation
1. Fundamental concepts of marketing
Parte II – Market study
2. Analysis of the market and its players
3. Market research
4. Theories and models of consumer behavior
Parte III – Segmentation and Differentiation
5. Segmentation
6. Positioning
7. Brand
Parte IV – Marketing Policies
8. Product
9. Price
10. Place
11. Promotion

Curricular Unit Teachers




    • Kotler, P., Armstrong, G. (2015). Princípios de Marketing. 15ª Edição.São Paulo: Pearson.

     Other bibliography:

    • Baynast, A. et al. (2018). Mercator 25 Anos – O Marketing na Era Digital. Alfragide: Publicações Dom Quixote.
    • Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H., Setiawan, I. (2021). Marketing 5.0 – Tecnologia para a humanidade. Actual Editora.
    • Zeithaml, V. A.; Bitner, M. J. (2003). Marketing de Serviços – A Empresa com foco no Cliente. 2ª Edição. São Paulo: Bookman.