Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The following teaching methodologies are used in this curricular unit:
1) Verbal methods (say), making use of the following educational resources: Exposition, Explanation, Dialogue andquestioning;
2) Intuitive Methodologies (show), making use of the following educational resources: Demo, Audiovisual, writtentexts;
3) Active Methodologies (to do), making use of pedagogical resources: problem solving; technology.
Learning Results
As an instrumental course, it is intended to develop in students a set of interpretation, calculus and relational skills associated with mathematical content relevant to the acquisition of knowledge and skills in other courses.
In particular, it is intended that students
a) remember and deepen knowledge related to Set Theory and Logic.
b) operate with matrices and apply this knowledge to solve problems, namely those that involve solving systems oflinear equations.
c) master and apply differential and integral calculus techniques in IR and IRn.
1. Logic and Set Theory
2. Matrices and Systems of Linear Equations
3. Topics of Differential Calculus in IRn
4. Topics of Integral Calculus in IR and IRn
Grading Methods
- - Periodic evaluation - 100.0%
- - Final evaluation. - 100.0%
Adams, R. A.; Calculus: a complete course, 8th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2013
Anton, H.; Bivens, I.; Stephen, D.; Cálculo, Vol. I, 10ª edição, Bookman, 2014
Anton, H.; Rorres, C.; Elementary Linear Algebra with Application, 11th Ed.,Wiley, 2013
Campos Ferreira, J.; Introdução à Análise Matemática, 11ª edição, F. Calouste Gulbenkian, 2014
James, G.; Modern Engineering Mathematics, 4yh Ed., Trans-Atlantic Pubns, 2010
Lima, E. L.; Análise no Espaço lRn, 2ª Ed, Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, 2016
Stewart, J.; Calculus, Early Transcendentals, International Metric Edition, 8th Ed. Cengage Learning Brooks Cole, 2016
Stewart, J.; Cálculo, Vol. 2, 5ªEd., Thomson Pioneira, São Paulo, 2005