Media Relations

Teaching Methodologies

Utilizar-se-á nesta unidade curricular uma metodologia expositiva, tomando como ponto de partida os fundamentos teóricos da disciplina. Esta metodologia será complementada pela ilustração dos princípios teóricos a partir do recurso a dados empíricos. Será feito uso de artigos científicos recentes que demostrem a aplicabilidade da teoria a situações concretas.

Learning Results

Understand the relationship with the media from a perspective of image building and corporate reputation;

Know how to interact with the media, providing communication about products, brands and institutions;

Acquisition of skills for informative scheduling actions.

Ability to critically analyse media message production processes;

Ability to critically analyse an organization’s communication action strategy through the media;

Ability to design, structure and operationalize a communication action strategy through the media.


Media and society: the problem of effects

Media organizations and interconnection with sources

Information and events

Inventory of information topics

Selection of information to disseminate (rules)

What events interest journalists?

Explore the event

Organization of a media relations service

The Press Officer: Mission and Tasks

Press Files

Press File

Press release

Press conference

Crisis Information

Relations with digital media

Grading Methods

Periodic assessment
  • - practical assignment - 50.0%
  • - written test - 50.0%
Avaliação por exame
  • - Exam - 100.0%




Deschepper, J. (1992). Saber comunicar com os Jornalistas, CETOP.

Granado, A., & Malheiros, V. (2001). Como Falar com Jornalistas sem ficar à Beira de um Ataque de Nervos, Gradiva.

Libaert, T. (2008). Le Plan de Communication: Définir et organiser votre stratégie de communication, Dunod.

Lloyd, J., & Toogood, L. (2015). Journalism and PR, News Media and Public Relatons in the Digital Age, Tauris & Co.

Mimoso, M. (2012). Jornalistas e Empresas: pistas para uma relação necessária. Cidot Portugal.

Motion, J., Heath, R. L., & Leitch, S. (2016). Social Media and Public Relations, Fake Friends and Powerful Publics. Routledge.