Base Knowledge
Conhecimentos de Métodos de diagnóstico por Imagem e de anatomia
Teaching Methodologies
The theoretical-practical classes aim at the participatory presentation of the syllabus. In them, an expository-participatory methodology is used, appealing to the intervention of students, namely through the anticipated distribution of contents of interest to the themes addressed.
In the practical component, we will use real examples, with themes coordinated with the theoretical-practical component, presented on the form of a problem to be solved by students in the classroom.
Students will be encouraged to search in databases, allusive and explanatory scientific publications of the contents taught.
Learning Results
At the end of the UC the student must:
- Know the techniques of External Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy, used for therapeutic approaches in different pathologies, according to the different imaging components used.
- Recognize the pathologies with therapeutic indication, by the associated imaging and technique in question.
- Understand the image fusion process and treatment field verification system.
- The student must acquire skills to:
- Identify and use the appropriate imaging techniques for the pathology in question, target volumes and risky organs.
- The student must acquire skills to:
- Apply and identify the different Techniques of External Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy, used for therapeutic approaches in different pathologies, based on the implicit Medical Image.
- Check the execution of the treatment fields.
Image associated with Radiotherapy Techniques:
1. Planning:
CT Planning;
Image Fusion: RM; PET; Scintigraphies; diagnostic CT
2. Simulation:
Rx simulation/comparison with DRRs
3. Treatment:
Images Portals;
CT Tumor control and mobility/volemia of internal organs.
Imaging in radiotherapy in pathologies:
T. Head and Neck
Bones and Soft Tissues
digestive system
Central Nervous System
Unknown Primary Tumors
Pediatric Tumors
Benign Pathology
systemic irradiation
Radiotherapy emergencies
Curricular Unit Teachers
Taylor & Francis. Medical Image Processsing, Reconstruction and Restoration. Concepts and Methods. Jiri Jan.
Mealha, J. Conceição. Física e Tecnologia dos Equipamentos de Diagnóstico e de Radioterapia. Universitária Editora.
Fundamentals of Digital Imaging in Medicine. Springer.
Dutreix, J &Desgrez, A & Bok,B. & Vinot,J.H. Biophysique des radiations. 2ª Edition.
Eiras,Margarida & Cunha,Gilda & Teixeira, Nuno. Radioterapia – Fundamentos e Aplicações Clínicas.
Faithfull, S. & Wells, M. (2003). Supportive Care in Radiotherapy. London: Churchill Livingstone.
Griffiths, S. & Short, C. (1994). Radiotherapy: Principles to Pratice – A Manual for Quality in Treatment Delivery.
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
Hoskin, P. (2006). Radiotherapy in Practice: External Beam Therapy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Levitt, S. H., Purdy, J. A., Perez, C. A. & Vijayakumar, S. (2006). Technical Basis of Radiation Therapy: Pratical
Clinical Applications. 4th Edition. Berlin: Springer.
Bentel, G. (1996). Radiation Therapy Planning. USA: McGraw-Hill.
Khan, F. e Potish A. R. (1998). Treatment Planning in Radiation Oncology. Williams and Wilkins.
Perez, CA and Brady, LW (2013), Principles and practice of radiation oncology, 6th ed., Lippincott Williams &