Base Knowledge
Not applicable.
Teaching Methodologies
The teaching methods used are intended to provide an effective knowledge transmission, and a climate of dialogue with students that encourages and consolidates the process of teaching and learning. In theoretical and practical classes are explained the principles for the development of the syllabus and the acquisition of defined skills. It searches student participation in the adaptation of acquired knowledge to concrete situations. The case studies worked out by the students are presented and discussed in the classroom with the active and critical participation of teachers and students.
Learning Results
To know the rules of organic farming.
Identify methodologies in organic farming.
Establish differences between the methodologies in organic plant production and other forms of agriculture.
Characterize the organic plant production.
Know the main techniques used in organic plant production.
Choose cultural techniques depending on the soil conditions, climate, land structure, socio-economic situation and market.
Establishing the most appropriate crop rotations.
Control the levels of organic matter and soil pH.
Evaluate the quality of seeds and methods of sowing, harvesting and conservation.
Indicate the soil tillage techniques for the different crops, limiting the use of ploough and rotary equipment to till the soil and giving preference to tine equipment.
Identify the need to use equipment that minimizes soil compaction or separates traffic lines from production zones.
Learn about sowing or planting technologies in organic farming, with no-tillage, identifying advantages in soil protection against erosion, biodiversity and water saving.
Identify clean technologies weeding in field and greenhouse crops, namely solarization and thermal weeders.
Indicate irrigation methods for field and greenhouse crops that minimize impact on soil and on the spread of pests and diseases.
Identify drainage needs in herbaceous crops, vines and orchards.
Indicate pesticide application equipment authorized in organic farming, according to the purpose and safetyre
Main legislation applicable to the used methodologies in organic crop production.
Main differences to other types of agricultural production.
Importance of organic agricultural production.
Important concepts and definitions in organic farming.
Organic crop production in agricultural terms, on a national, europpean and worldwide levels.
Main characteristics and methodologies applied.
Use of concepts related to the characterization of soil and climatic conditions, in order to define which methodologies to use in organic production.
The role of organic matter in organic production.
Successions, associations, parcel allocation and crop rotations as structural entities of organic crop production.
Seed and sowing in organic farming.
Soil fertility in organic agricultural production.
Weeds and their mechanical combat.
Combating crop pests and diseases.
Case studies.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Dois trabalhos sobre temas pertinentes à UC (30% + 40%) - 70.0%
- - Elaboração/apresentação de um trabalho curto (10%) - 10.0%
- - Avaliação contínua, assente no desempenho e participação individual (20%) - 20.0%
- - Prova escrita (100%) - 100.0%
GUET, G. Agriculture biologique méditerranéenne: guide pratique à usage professionnel. Graphot, SaintPaulTroisChâteaux, 1993.
ALEIXO, A. L. Plano Nacional para o Desenvolvimento da Agricultura Biológica. MADRP, 2004.
FIBL Qualité et sécurité des produits bio: une comparaison avec les produits conventionnels (, 2006.
VILLALOBOS, F., MATEOS, L., ORGAZ, F., FERERES, E. Fitotecnia: bases y tecnologías de la producción agrícola. Madrid: Ed. MundiPrensa, 2002.
DIEHL, R. Agriculturageral. Lisboa: Clássica Editora, Colecção Técnica Agrária, 1984.
SOLTNER, D. Les bases de la production végétale. Angers: Collection Sciences et Tecniques Agricoles? Tome I, II et III, 1995.
S/Autor Legislação nacional e comunitária aplicável à produção agrícola biológica.
FERREIRA, J. As bases da agricultura biológica. Tomo I – Produção vegetal. Ed. EDIBIO, 2009.
TERRÓN, P. Fitotecnia: ingeniería de la producción vegetal. Madrid: Ed. MundiPrensa, 2002.