Methodologies in Organic Animal Production

Teaching Methodologies

2.1.7. Teaching methodologies (including evaluation):
Theoretical and practical sessions, with expository methodology for presentation of theoretical concepts
Permanent illustration with case studies and group discussion
Analysis of papers and disclosure
Consultation and research elements and data
Direct observation and assessment of concrete situations of farm animal husbandry ESAC and / or other holdings

Learning Results

1. Discuss the European regulation on organic livestock production as well as specific aspects of its implementation.
2. Relate the energy valuation of food and protein metabolism and its major constituents on digestive physiology in monogastric and ruminant.
3. Enhance the sustainability of different vectors from the adoption of grassland and forage crops as afundamental element of organic farming.
4. Understand the meaning and use of technical-economic indicators in biological husbandry.


MODULE I – Regulation of organic livestock production (OLP)
1 – Critical analysis of EU regulatory documents
2 – Definitions in regulations on OLP
3 – Rules with direct or indirect effect on OLP
4 – Specific rules for OLP
MODULE II – Feeding the animals in OLP
1 – Constitution, valuation and classification of food
2 – Needs and energy and protein supplies
3 – digestion, absorption and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins
4 – Practical issues in nutrition
5 – Integration of activities for sustainability of OLP
6 – Pastures and forrages based feeding of OLP
MODULE III – Technical-economic indicators in OLP
1 – Technical-economic indicators for the ages and weights
2 – Technical-economic indicators: production
3 – Technical-economic indicators: animal breeding
4 – Production systems and technical-economic indicators adapted to the OLP
5 – Examples of application exploits OLP

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação contínua
  • - Módulo II - 45.0%
  • - Módulo III - 30.0%
  • - Módulo I - 25.0%




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