
Teaching Methodologies

In classes with a mixed character (both theoretical and practical) the theoretical knowledge will be explained and combined with practical
cases of exercise solving.

Learning Results

This subject aims at developing the student’s skills regarding mainly the following economic analysis issues.
Understand the market operating mechanisms in a perfect competition set and imperfect competition.
Understand and comprehend the main drivers of market’s perfect and imperfect competition.
Understand consumer and producer behaviour.


I -Demand, Supply and Prices.
II- Consumer behaviour theory.
III- Firm theory: Production and Costs.
IV- Perfect competition.
V – Imperfect competition: monopoly

Curricular Unit Teachers




(i) Frank, R. H. (2016) “Microeconomia e Comportamento”, McGraw-Hill, 8a ed.,
(ii) Frank, R. H. (2021) “Microeconomics and Behavior”, McGraw-Hill, 10th edition Samuelson,
(iii) P. e Nordhaus, W. (2019), “Economics”, McGraw Hill, 20th edition
(iv) Slides de apoio a?s aulasFolhas de Exerci?cios a realizar nas aulas