Base Knowledge
Students must have basic math skills
Teaching Methodologies
Throughout the semester, classes will be taught using: power points with the theoretical material; carrying out practical exercises with the participation of all students; reading and discussion of current news using the reading of economics newspapers in the classroom.
Learning Results
This discipline’s main objective is to study the behavior of consumers and companies in an economy, analyzing the choices that each one must make, with a view to maximizing utility, taking into account the scarcity of resources.
In this subject, it is intended that the student, with attendance and approval, acquires the following skills in terms of economic analysis:
– Identify and understand the basic principles of economics
– Master the fundamental economic concepts, knowing how to use economic reasoning
– Understand the market functioning mechanisms in a situation of perfect competition
– Identify the causes and effects on market equilibrium arising from changes in demand or supply conditions.
– Know and understand the determinants of the type of competition, perfect or imperfect, in markets
– Understand consumer behavior.
0.1 Presentation
of the course
0.2 – The big economic questions
Chapter I – Demand, Supply and Prices
1.1. The demand curve
1.2. The Supply Curve
1.3. The Market Equilibrium
Chapter II – The theory of consumer behavior
2.1. Rational consumer choice
2.2. Individual and market demand
2.3. The consumer surplus
Chapter III – The theory of the company
3.1. The production
3.2. The costs
Chapter IV – Perfect competition
4.1. The principle of profit maximization
4.2. The choice of production level
Chapter V – Imperfect competition
5.1. The origins of market power
5.2. the monopoly
5.3. Other forms of imperfect competition
Curricular Unit Teachers
Fundamental bibliography:
Frank, R. H. (2006) “Microeconomia e Comportamento”, McGrawHill,3ª ed.
Complementary bibliography:
Pinho, M. (2022), Microeconomia – Teoria e Prática Simplificada. Ed Silabo
Lobo, F., Andrade, C, (2021). Princípios de Microeconomia. Ed Sílabo