Base Knowledge
It is recommended that students have prior knowledge of statistics and geographic information systems
Teaching Methodologies
Classes are intended for the presentation and discussion of the different subjects that make up the program of the discipline, encouraging active and participatory learning. With a strong practical component, this subject will provide the opportunity, in relation to a given territorial unit, for students to acquire the ability to read and understand the main guidelines in the design of sustainable mobility policies. Approval in this curricular unit requires a grade equal to or greater than 7.50 in all elements of evaluation and final classification (CF) of at least 9.50, considering the scale from 0 to 20 values. A CF=0.4 x written test + 0.60 x practical test.
Learning Results
Provide a global and integrated view of the opportunities and problems arising from the significant transformation that has taken place in terms of mobility. Promote awareness and critical reflection of students on the importance of mobility planning, as well as the various existing policies and instruments (at different scales) in this field of action
I – Importance of Mobility Planning. Clarification of concepts. II – Mobility and transport systems. III – Mobility and accessibility assessment models. IV – Mobility and territorial planning. V – Policies and instruments in the areas of mobility and accessibility from a European scale to a local scale. VI – Discussion of case studies.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
Banister, D. (2008). The sustainable mobility paradigm. Transport policy, 15(2), 73-80. Eliasson, J., & Proost, S. (2015). Is sustainable transport policy sustainable?. Transport policy, 37, 92-100. Geurs, K.T., van Wee, B.: (2004) Accessibility evaluation of land-use and transport strategies: review and research directions. Journal of Transport Geography, 12, 127-140 Governo de Portugal (2014) Plano Estratégico dos Transportes e Infraestruturas. Documento Técnico, 121p. IMTT (2012) Directrizes Nacionais para a Mobilidade – Documento Técnico, 55p. Mu, E., & Pereyra-Rojas, M. (2018). Understanding the Analytic Hierarchy Process. In Practical Decision Making using Super Decisions v3 (pp. 7-22). Springer, Cham. Saaty, T.L., Vargas, L.G., (2001), Models, Methods, Concepts & Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Kluwers Academic Publisher Stussi, R., Babo, A., & Ribeiro, S. (2011). Acessibilidade, mobilidade e logística urbana. Lisboa, DGOT-DU, Série Política de Cidades,(6).