Base Knowledge
Biology and Chemistry
Teaching Methodologies
In order to achieve the learning outcomes of the curricular unit and the conferencing of the competences foreseen for students, the learning process is based on:
1. In the teacher’s presentation of contents related to the theoretical aspects of this curricular unit (Replication and repair of DNA, RNAs, transcription and genetic code, protein biosynthesis, regulation of genetic expression, mutations and recombination);
2. In the bibliographic research on some methods and techniques of extraction, purification and DNA analysis;
3. In the execution of practical laboratory work related to techniques of extraction, purification and DNA analysis;
4. In the use of bioinformatic software for obtaining and analyzing data;
Learning Results
The learning outcomes of this course unit will allow the student to acquire with success, the following competencies identified below.
As a result of the learning process, the student:
1. Know the flow of genetic information, how to regulate the expression genetics;
2. Explain the mutational and recombinant mechanisms that generate genetic diversity.
Module I
1. Nucleic acid structure. Gene, organization, structure. Flow of genetic information. 2. Replication and repair of DNA. 3. The multifunctionality of the transcript: 3.1. RNA ribosomal, RNA transfer, messenger RNA and small RNAs. 4. Transcription in prokaryotes and in eukaryotes. 4.1. Genes organization 5. Protein biosynthesis: The genetic code; translation mechanisms. 6. Gene expression regulation. 7. Basic techniques of nucleic acids manipulation and genome analysis; restriction and modification of DNA; agarose gel electrophoresis; transformation;. Hybridization; sequencing; DNA typing; basics of Bioinformatics.
Module II
1. Gene mutations. 1.1. Types of mutation. 1.2. Mutagenic agents. 1.3. Selection of mutants. 1.4. Repair mechanisms. 2. Recombination in bacteria. Elements mobile genetic elements.
Practical component
DNA extraction and its analysis by electrophoresis; plasmid DNA digestion and restriction map analysis; bacterial transformation; amplification of DNA by PCR.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Teste escrito Teórico e Prático do Módulo I - 36.0%
- - Teste escrito Teórico e Prático do Módulo I - 24.0%
- - Teste escrito Teórico e Prático do Módulo II - 40.0%
- - Teste escrito Teórico e Prático do Módulo I e Módulo II - 100.0%
Azevedo, C. & Sunkel, C. Biologia Celular e Molecular. 5ª ed, Lidel – Edições Técnicas, Lisboa, 2012.
Bartlett Learnig, Sudbury, 2011. Introduction to Genectic Analysis. 8a ed. W.H. Freeman and Company, Nova Iorque, 2005.
Base geral de artigos científicos:
Brown, T.A., Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction. 6.ª ed., Wiley- Blackwell, Londres, 2010.
Fialho, A.M. & Arraiano, C.M. O mundo do RNA. Novos desafios e perspectivas futuras. 1ª. ed., Lidel, Lisboa, 2007.
Griffiths, A.J.F., Wessler, S.R., Lewontin, R.C., Gelbart, W.M., Suzuki, D.T. & Miller, J.H. Griffiths, A.J.F., Wessler, S.R., Lewontin, R.C., Gelbart, W.M., Suzuki, D.T.& Miller, J.H. Introduction to Genectic Analysis. 8ª ed., W.H. Freeman and Company, Nova Iorque, 2005.
Hartl, D., Ruvolo & Maryellen. Genetics. Analysis of Genes and Genomes. 8ª ed., Jones and Bartlett Learnig, Sudbury, 2011.
Lewin, B. Genes IX. 9.ª ed., Sudbury, Mass. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2007.
Lodish, H., Berk, A., Kaiser, C., Krieger, M., Bretscher; A., Ploegh, H., Amon, A. & Scott, M. Molecular Cell Biology. 7ª ed. W.H. Freeman and Company. Nova Iorque, 2012.
Pesquisa de sequências homólogas:
Sambrook, J. & Russell, D. Molecular Cloning. A Laboratory Manual. 3ª ed., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Nova Iorque, 2001.
Smith, C.A. & Wood, E.J. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. 1ª ed., Chapman and Hall, Londres, 1991.