Monogastrics Production II

Base Knowledge

– General Agriculture and Zootechnia I and II

– Biology I and II

– Unit of animal biology

Teaching Methodologies

In order to be able to confer the proposed competences, the teaching / learning process is based on:

1) Theoretical lecture classes in the classroom with Powerpoint presentations.

2) In the execution of practical work in the field (handling horses and pigs at ESAC and private farms outside of school), in the laboratory (natural reproduction and artificial insemination)

3) In the bibliographic research and analysis of articles and reports on the contents of the CU.

Learning Results

The Curricular Unit aims at enabling the student to know the main aspects associated with the production of pigs and the production of horses with the following objectives:

– Know the breeds of pigs and their main characteristics;

– Know the production systems;

– Know how to apply the appropriate techniques and processes of daily management in the sector of the reproduction and selection;

– Know the management techniques of a pig farm;

– Know the needs of housing pigs and the treatment of effluents;

– Understand animal feeding and nutrition and food management at different stages of production;

– Understand the factors affecting pig welfare, animal hygiene and sanitation and how to define the animal biosafety plan;

– To know the breeds of horses and their main characteristics;

– To develop their technical knowledge on horse breeding;

– Know the breeding management in equines;

– Know the food management of horses;

– Know the horses hygiene and sanitation;

– Knowledge of horse-riding and equine training.


In order to achieve the objectives of the curricular unit and provide the students with the required competences, the curricular unit is divided into two modules: Module 1 – Pig production  and Module 2 – Horse production


Module 1 – Pig production (50%)

1) The origin and evolution of pigs and breeds exploited in different production systems;

2) Pigs accommodation – Regimes: Intensive, Intensive outdoor and extensive;

3) Reproductive and Food Management and the necessary records.

4) Breeding, rearing and fattening piglets;

5) Animal Health and Diseases affecting pigs;

6) Biosafety in a pig farm.


Module 2 – Horse Production (50%)

1) The origin and evolution of the equines, the different breeds and their aptitudes;

2) Accommodations;

3) Equine Reproduction – Equine reproductive management techniques;

4) Semen technology;

5) Feeding of horses;

6) Animal hygiene and health;

7) Horse riding and Equine training.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - Módulo 2: CF = (40% Teste escrito + 40% Prova prática + 20% preparação e discussão de um trabalho prático) - 50.0%
  • - Módulo 1: CF = (50% Prova escrita + 30% Trabalho de campo + 20% Trabalho de pesquisa e apresentação em Powerpoint) - 50.0%
Avaliação Por Exame
  • - Prova escrita (70%) + prova prática/oral, relativa às matérias de práticas de campo (30%). - 100.0%




Pig production

Brent, G. – The Pigmans Hand Book. London. Farming press Ltd. 1995.

Carbo, C. – Ganado Porcino. Madrid. Ediciones Mundi Prensa. 1984.

Hill, J.; Sainsbury, D. – The Health of Pigs (Nutrição, alojamentos e prevenção das doenças). England. Longman Scientific & Technical group ltd.1995.

Muirhead, M.; Alexander, T. – Managing pig health and the treatment of disease. U.K. 5M Enterprises Ltd. 1997.

Soulsby, E. – Helmintos, Artropodes y Protozoários de los Animales Domésticos, 7ª ed. México. Copyright by Nueva Editorial Interamericana. 1987.

Thornton, K. – Outdoor Pig Production. U.K., Farming Press Books. 1995.

Whittemore, C. – The Science and Practice of Pig production. England. Longman Scientific & Technical group ltd. 1993.

Horse production

Blanchard, T.; Dickson, D.; Schumacher, J. – Manual of Equine Reproduction, Missouri, Mosby. 1998.

Equine Research Inc. – Breeding Management & Foal Development. Texas. 1992.

Hodgson, D.; Rose, R. – Manual of Equine Practice. Philadelphia. W. B. Saunders Company. 1993.

Les haras nationaux (2014). Cheval, techniques d’élevage. Les haras Nationaux.

Martin-Rosser, W. (2012). Nutrition et alimentation des chevaux. Édition Quae.

Martins da Silva, A. T. (2009). Hipologia – Guia Para o Estudo do Cavalo. LIDEL

McKinnon, A.; Voss, J. – Equine Reproduction. Williams &Wilkins, Media. 1992.

Ministère de l’Agriculture, de la Pêche et de l’Alimentation – Insémination Artificielle Équine – Guide Pratique, 2ª edition, Institut du Cheval. Paris. 1996.

NRC – Nutriente Requirements of Horses.1989.

Parker, R. (2013). Equine Science. Delmar.

Portas, M. (2003). Identificação de Equinos. MADRP.

Vogel, C. – Manual Completo de Tratamento de Cavalos. Lisboa. Copyright by Centralivros Lda. 1997.

Wolter, R. In: Alimentation du Cheval. France. Éditions Agricole, Première édition. 1994.

Zeitler-Feicht, M. H. (2004). Horse behaviour explained – origins, treatment and prevention of problems. Manson Publishing Ltd.