Base Knowledge
Anatomy, Histology, Macroscopy, Histotecnology and Pathology
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical development of the program contents previewed using an expository and interactive method.
Evaluation of technical competence in macroscopy – practical implementation with a macroscopic report, of 50
surgical parts – Biopsies and surgical parts.
Theoretical examination of morphology and histotechnology.
Learning Results
The student must acquire knowledge and skills in order to:
-Use a scientific and technical language to interpret the morphology and diseases, in Pathological Anatomy
-Integrate teams of molecular pathology
-Recognize the diseases in surgical products and parts
– Perform morphological interpretation and collection of fragments for diagnosis, as well as in the
anatomical and clinical autopsies of adult and developmental pathology.
The student must acquire competences in:
-Identification of the products received
-Use of the specialty’s equipment
-Application of the procedures appropriate for the diagnosis and preservation of pieces
-Autonomy as Histopathology and Cytopathology Technician
-Autonomy as Macroscopic Morphology Technician
The subject of Morphology and Histotechnology emphasizes the technical roles and theoretical and scientific
knowledge of the professional of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences:
-Knowledge of the molecular bases of diseases and scientific and technical understanding
-Interpretation of products handled and processed in Laboratories of Pathological Anatomy for diagnosis. -Cytological Interpretation of routine and appropriate technology – execution of cytoblocks.
-Morphological Interpretation and collection of fragments in anatomical and clinical autopsies of adult and
development pathology – with strict protocols support.
-Strengthening of the scientific language of inflammatory, degenerative and neoplastic diseases to be applied in the
implementation of a macroscopy.
-Techniques and equipment upgraded to respond to diagnosis requests.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Primary Reference:
1. Bancroft, J. & Gamble, M. (2002). Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques (5.ªed.). London: Churchill Livingstone.
2. Moral, Raimundo Garcia del (1993). Laboratório de Anatomia Patológica (1ª ed.). Madrid: McGraw-Hill – Interamericana de Espana.
3. Carson, Freida (2000). Histotechnology: A Self-Instrumentation Text (2ª Ed.). American Society Clinical Pathology
Secondary Reference:
– John D. Bancroft (2013) Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques, Churchill Elsevier
– Luna, L. (1992). Histopathologic Methods and Color Atlas of Special Stain and Tissue Artifacts. Maryland: Ameerican Histolabs.
– Kiernan, J.A. (2208) Histological and histochemical Methods (4th Ed). England:Scion Publishing Ltd ISBN:9781904842422.