Motor Development

Base Knowledge

not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

The syllabus will be taught in sessions to present the fundamental concepts that are inherent to it and the “state of the art” about them. The sessions are complemented by moments of practical research of the trainees in online bibliographic databases and in-class discussion of the results found. In the practical component, students observe Infant Motricity sessions, taught to children by teachers. Students are also asked to carry out practical work on observation and assessment of motor behavior in childhood.


Learning Results

1. Know the fundamentals and applications of Motor Development (DM) as an area of study of motor behavior (CM).

2. Understand the basic concepts and fundamental terminology used in DM.

3. Identify and understand development variables and indicators.

4. Know the evolution of the main concepts, identification processes of variables and morphological and body composition indicators.

5. Understand the variability of the development process, and major internal and external influences.

6. Analyze the process of human development starting from the design of development stages, from the perspective of maturation and development of motor action.

7. Know the instruments and techniques of analysis, evaluation and control of the DM and apply such instruments in the observation and analysis of the Motor Control


1. Fundamental concepts in motor development;

2. Assessment of development and motor competence: MCA

3. Theoretical bases of motor development;

4. Auxology, growth and maturation. Development of body composition.

5. Development of bodily systems;

6. Interactions between individual, environment and task constraints;

7. Initial motor development;

8. Principles of movement and stability;

9. Development of human locomotion;

10. Development of the sensory system;

11. Perceptual-motor development;

12. Perception and action in development;

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

  • - Theoretical test - 70.0%
  • - Practical test - 30.0%
Continuing Evaluation
  • - Laboratory work or Field work - 30.0%
  • - Practical exam/oral presentation - 50.0%
  • - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%




Lohman T, Roche A, Martorell R (1988). Anthropometric Standardization Reference Manual. Human Kinetics. Champaigne.

Haywood & Getchell N (2014). Life Span Motor Development. Human Kinetics.

Neto, C. (1995). Motricidade e Jogo na Infância. Brasil: Editora Sprint, Lda.

Gallahue D & Ozmun J (2005). Compreendendo o Desenvolvimento Motor. São Paulo: Phorte Editora.

Gabbard C (1992). Lifelong motor development. Madison: Brown & Benchmark Publishers.

Malina R, Bouchard C, Bar-Or (2004). Growth, Maturation and Physical Activity. Human Kinetics. Champaigne.

Neto, C. (1997). Jogo & Desenvolvimento da Criança. Cruz Quebrada: Edições FMH.

Cordovil, R. & Barreiros,J,. (2014). Desenvolvimento motor na infância. Lisboa: Edições FMH.

Carter, J & Heath B (1990). Somatotyping – development and applications. Cambridge Studies in Biological Anthropology. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press.

Roche, A & Sun, S (2003). Human growth: assessment and interpretation. Cambridge. University Press.