Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Teaching methodologies include the involvement and accountability of students in the conception, development and implementation of a project, monitored by the teacher in view of its rationale and ultimate goal.
Evaluation:a) Oral Presentation (30%) -Students should prepare 2 shorts scholarly talk (30 minutes) based on texts previously proposed by the teacher, but with evidence of the practical application of skills acquired in intervention;
b) Participation in Class discussions (20%) -It’s expected for everyone to attend classes regularly and discuss previous given readings in relation to specific projected images, as well as seminars/workshops and field trips.
c) individual research project and/or a group of 2 students (50%) – c. 30 p. (excluding notes and bibliography .
Delivery of the final version one week after the apresentation.
Evaluation by exam (100%) will be made through written test
Learning Results
1. Analyze the main concepts, perspectives and intervention methodologies in the field of community development.
2. Basic structure of musical intervention methods and specific literature.
3. Recognize structuring elements in music for the overall formation of the individual and use the educational value of practical music.
4. Awareness of research in the field of music.
5. Acquire basic tools from a methodological point of view.
6. Develop skills for analysis and implementation of community intervention projects.
7. Acquire methodological and conceptual skills in musical intervention and know how to apply them in non-formal and informal educational contexts.
8. Know how to operationalize basic research procedures at 3 levels: operational; correlational; ideological and philosophical.
9. Adapt and apply pedagogical musical materials and be able to support the performance or realization
of musical activities/interventions in different contexts and audiences.
Pedagogical and methodological currents in music education.
From the basic structure of musical intervention methods.
The audiovisual as a tool for artistic and social intervention.
The musical entertainer. The animator’s praxis and profile. Characteristics and skills.
The planning, implementation and evaluation of musical interventions in community and with different
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Oral presentation - 30.0%
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
Ander-Egg, E(2008). A Animação Sociocultural e as perspectivas para o séc XXI.Pereira, J.,Vieites, M.& Lopes,M. (coord).A Animação Sociocultural e os Desafios do Séc. XXI (pp. 19-32).Amarante: Intervenção
Ander-Egg, E (1992). La Animación y los Animadores.Madrid: Narcea
Ander-Egg, E.(1982).Metodologia y prática del desarrollo de la comunidad. México: Ateneo.
Fialho, J; Silva, C. A. & Saragoça, J. (2017). Diagnóstico Social: teoria, metodologia e casos práticos (2ª ed.).Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Gomes,L.; Amaral, J.B (2012).Os efeitos da utilização da música para os idosos: revisão sistemática.Rev Enfermagem Contemporânea,n1(1):103-117.
Higgins, L.(2012).Community Music: In Theory and in Practice. Oxford University.
Malloch,S.;Trevarthen, C.(Ed).2010).Communicative Musicality.Oxford: Univ. Press
Vallicrosa,J.(2004). Técnicas de Intervenção na Animação Sociocultural. In Veblen,K. et al.(Ed) (2013).Community Music Today.R&L Education Publ
Outras referências bibliográficas serão indicadas.