Base Knowledge
Students must possess the knowledge acquired in FM1.
Teaching Methodologies
The course will be taught in practical-theoretical lessons, based on the presentation and discussion of models of music theory, analysis, transcription and execution of auditory examples that can be presented, particularly in the form of musical scores and audio examples.
Continuous evaluation:
Quality of participation in class: 20%
Written Assessments: 40%
Oral assessments: 40%
Assessment by exam:
Written exam – 50%
Oral exam – 50%
Learning Results
1.Consolidate and standardize previously acquired knowledge in “Musical Trainning 1”;
2. Understand and to know how to use music codes;
3. Understand and apply the principles of music theory;
4. Understand, analyse and perceave musical phenomena;
5. Read, recognize, write, transcribe and sing or play a musical score;
6. Recognize and relate harmonic structures to melodic ones;
7. Develop hearing sensory skills in rhythmic, melodic and colour-tone areas;
8. To identify harmonic sequences hearing;
9. To recognize the basic elements of the formal analysis;
1. Melody:
1.1.Chromatic, pentatónic and hexáfonas scales;
1.3. Passing note, appogiaturas;
2. Rhythm:
2.1. Mixing mesures;
2.2. Irregular rhythms;
3. Harmony:
3.1. Chords with four sounds (seventh of the dominant, seventh diminished, seventh half-diminished , seventh major and seventh minor);
3.2.Cadences: perfect, imperfect, plagal, picarda, and interrupted;
4. Form:
4.1. Reason/cell;
4.2. Sentence/period;
4.3. Subject;
4.4. Section;
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Oral assessments - 40.0%
- - Written assessments - 40.0%
- - Attendance and Participation - 20.0%
- - Oral exam - 50.0%
- - Written exam - 50.0%
BERKOWITZ, S.; FONTRIER, G.; KRAFT, L.(2017). A New Approach to Sight Singing. Sixth Edition. NewYork: W. W. Norton & Company.
BENNETT, Roy – Forma e Estrutura na Música – Cadernos de música da Universidade de Cambridge, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar Editor, 1986
BENNETT, Roy – Como ler uma partitura – Cadernos de música da Universidade de Cambridge, Rio de Janeiro, Jorge Zahar, reimp. 1995
CLELAND, K.; DOBREA-GRINDAHL, M. (2020). Developing musicianship through aural skills : a holisitic approach to sight singing and ear training. third edition. New York: Taylor & Francis.
HARRISON, D. (2021). Rhythm and Counting. Hal Leonard.
SOMERVELL, A. (2021). Fifty Steps in Sight-Singing. Yesterday’s Classics.