National Registration Informations Cadastal

Base Knowledge



Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodology adopted is based on the exposition of the fundamental concepts of cartography and on the interrogative method to encourage the spirit of reflection. In addition, a strong practical component is expected that will play a relevant role in motivating students to work with Geographic Information Systems and SNIC platform.

Learning Results

The objectives of this course are:

a)  Identify the concepts, functionalities and objectives of the SNIC

b)  Interpret the official technical specifications for the execution of the land registry 


Module I. National Cadastral Information System (SNIC)


a)  The National Cadastral Information System (SNIC). Simplified Cadastral Information System and the Single Counter of the Building (BUPi) (Law 78/2017, of August 17. SNIC Portal. Creation, conservation, visualization and exploitation of national cadastral information. Official and private entities that produce cadastral information;

b)  Geometric Register of Rustic Property (ICGPR): computerization;

c)  The National System for the Exploitation and Management of Cadastral Information (SINERGIC): objectives; association of existing data (Conservatories of Land Registry and Finance


d)  Technical specifications for the execution of the land registry: Rules and procedures to be adopted in a land registry operation; legal framework and operation; data structure and contents, reference systems, data quality, data format, demarcation, document model, supporting cartography, cadastral data acquisition, provisional characterization, public consultation and definitive characterization; completion of the operation.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Evaluation by frequency
  • - work (Module II) - 50.0%
  • - Written individual tests (Module I) - 50.0%
Evaluation by examination
  • - 1 work (Module II) - 50.0%
  • - Written individual tests (Module I) - 50.0%




Beires, R. S., Amaral, J. G., Ribeiro, P. (2013). O cadastro e a propriedade rústica em Portugal. Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, pp. 261. 

Cosme, A. (2012). Projeto em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. LIDEL. Lisboa.

DGT (2020). Normas e especificações técnicas para a Sistema Nacional de Informação Cadastral (SNIC) Topográfica Vetorial e de Imagem. CartTop-V1.1. Direção-Geral do Território, pp. 49. 

Matos, J. (2008). Fundamentos de Informação Geográfica. 5.ª edição. LIDEL. Lisboa.

Matos, J. (2007). Sistema Nacional de Informação Cadastral (SNIC) e Geodesia. LIDEL. Lisboa.