Base Knowledge
Knowledge related with the curriculum unities of the first year of this course.
Teaching Methodologies
A dinâmica das aulas teórico-práticas privilegia metodologias activas e participativas, baseadas no trabalho individual e de grupo dos estudantes. A avaliação respeitará o estabelecido no regulamento Interno da ESEC. Os estudantes escolhem uma das duas modalidades de avaliação: avaliação contínua ou avaliação por exame. A avaliação por exame realiza-se no final do semestre e abrange todo o conteúdo programático trabalhado nas aulas; apresenta-se sob forma de uma prova escrita e uma eventual prova oral. A avaliação contínua decorre ao longo das actividades lectivas. São quatro os os elementos da avaliação e respectivas ponderações: – prova escrita individual (30%); – análises/recensões críticas de estudos de ANPE [trabalho de grupo] (25%); – elaboração de Planos de ANPE [trabalho de grupo] (15%); – trabalho prático de ANPE de uma realidade [trabalho de grupo] (30%).
Learning Results
In the Curricular Unit Education Needs Analysis, students should be able to: – analyze, discussing understanding operatory, and methods and techniques of analysis of needs and educational potential; – justify and explain in scientific terms its options and intervention strategies; – Identify educational needs inherent in the development of each target group; – know methodological strategies that enable the knowledge of a community; – know methods and techniques of strategic and participatory planning; – identify and analyze the educational needs of a group or community; – characterize the different needs and strengths in the areas of socioeducational intervention; – analyze needs and potentials for socioeducational minority groups and social risk; – design a plan needs analysis and educational potential, in its different stages, in an autonomous way or in cooperation.
I An introduction to the Education Needs Analysis I.1 Spheres Analysis of Needs / Realities – the case of Educational Needs and Potentialities I.2 Participatory Action Research II Main phases of an Education Needs Analysis II.1 Acknowledgement II.1.1 Initial situation II.1.2 Sources of information II.1.3 Selection of techniques and tools for collecting and processing information II.2 Diagnosis II.2.1 Present situation II.2.2 Desirable situation II.2.3 Potentialities II.2.4 Interpretation of the gap between present situation and desirable situation II.2.5 Definition / clarification Educational Needs and Potentialities II.3 Decision Making II.3.1 Establishing Needs and Potentialities priority II.3.2 Motions for resolutions III Methods and techniques of Education Needs Analysis III.1 Methods (methodological pluralism) III.2 Techniques (quantitative / qualitative)
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - written test - 30.0%
- - critical analysis of studies - 40.0%
- - practical work - group work - 30.0%
CORREIA, Virgílio (selecção e apresentação), Análise de Necessidades e Potencialidades Educativas, Caderno de Texto, Coimbra, ESEC, 2012.
IDÁÑES, María José Aguilar & ANDER EGG, Ezequiel, Diagnóstico Social Conceptos y Metodología, 3ª ed., Madrid, ICSA (Instituto de Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas), 123pp.
PÉREZ CAMPANERO, Mª Paz, Como Detectar las Necesidades de Intervención Socioeducativa, 2ª ed., Madrid, Narcea, 1994, 174pp., pp.
RUBIO, Mª José & VARAS, Jesús, El Análisis de la Realidad en la Intervención Social: Métodos y Técnicas de Investigación, Madrid, Editorial CCS, 1997, 456pp.
SANCHES, Rodrigues Isabel, Necessidades educativas especiais e apoios e complementos educativos no quotidiano do professor, Porto, Porto Editora, 1996, 93pp.