Learning Results
This course unit will allow the student a clear understanding of the important role that the new trends in
international business and marketing will take in a globalized economy. At the end of this course, students
should be able to learn all the new trends that have been drawn in marketing and international business.
1-Trends versus cross-cutting themes and demonstrations
2-Large Contemporary Trends Marketing
2.1 My Rights: ethics in multiple dimensions
2.2 Crosscultural marketing
2.3 Experiential and Sensory Marketing
2.3 Neuromarketing
2.4- Tribal Marketing
2.5- Viral Marketing and Buzz Marketing
2.6- Relationship Marketing and CRM.
2.7- Vintage and retro: identity manifestations
2.8. Permanent connection
2.9- Wellbeing
2.10- Aesthetics and creativity in everything
3. New trends in international business
Curricular Unit Teachers
Brito, C. e Lencastre, P. (coordenação) (2014), Novos Horizontes do Marketing, Edições D. Quixote.
Camargo, Pedro (2009), Neuromarketing – Descodificando a mente do consumidor, Edições IPAM.
Christopher, M. (2010), Relationship marketing: creating stakeholder value, Oxford: Butterworth-
Cova, B. e Cova, V. (2002), “Tribal Marketing – The Tribalization of Society and its Impact on the Conduct of
Marketing”, European Journal of Marketing, 36 (5-6), 595-620.
Godin, S. (2008), Tribes – We need you to lead us, Penguin, EUA.
Hughes, Mark (2006), Buzzmarketing, Actual Editora, Lisboa.
Hultén, B., Broweus, N.e Dijk, M. (2009), Sensory Marketing, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
Marques, Alzira (2012), Marketing relacional: como transformar a fidelização de clientes numa vantagem
competitiva, Edições Sílabo.
Morin, C. e Renvoisé, P. (2009), Neuromarketing. O centro nevrálgico da venda, Edições Smart Book.