Learning Results
– Allow the students to understand the activities developed by non profit organizations;
– Allow the students to identify the legal and accounting environment surrounding non profit organizations;
– Allow the students to understand non profit organizations financial statements;
– Contribute to the development of adequate competences regarding changes in Public Administration where
the values of efficiency, efficacy and economy are assumed as long as transparency, equity and effectiveness
1) Characterization of nonprofits organizations
Distinction between non profit organizations and business organizations
Types of audits
Audit standards
Public sector in Portugal: scope, structure and financial statements
Public administration subsectors
Associations and foundations
2) State budget
3) Audit of the budgets of nonprofits organizations
4) The institutional framework of the Tribunal de Contas
5) Auditing in the Tribunal de Contas
6) INTOSAI audit standards and public accounting rules
7) Audit of nonprofits organizations: Planning, risk, materiality, evidence, developing the audit and audit
8) Special issues regarding non profit organizations: City Hall, City Hall debt, public domain assets, internal
control rules, Universities, cooperatives and Hospitals
Case studies
9) Completing an audit and the auditor’s report
Arens, A., Elder, R., Beasley, M., 2010, Auditing and assurance services: an integrated approacg, 13th ed.,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Batista da Costa, C., 2010, Auditoria Financeira – teoria e prática, 9ª ed., Rei dos Livros, Lisboa.
Cosserat. G., Rodda, N., 2009, Modern Auditing, 3rd ed., Wiley.
Machado de Almeida, B., 2005, Auditoria e sociedade – Diferenças de expectativas, Publisher Team.
Knechel, R., 2001, Auditing : assurance and risk, 2ª ed, Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishing.
Manual do Revisor Oficial de Contas, OROC
Rittemberg, L., Johnstone, K., Gramling, A., 2010, Auditing: a business risk approach, 7th ed., South-Western.
Whittington, R., Pany, K., 2010, Principles of auditing & other assurance services, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill.