Nutrition and Aging

Base Knowledge

Not applicable

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes to present updated content and the respective application of concepts based on the practice and discussion of articles with students. The theoretical-practical classes will be fundamentally supported in the resolution of clinical cases and also based on interrogative methods.

Learning Results

1- Know how to select and use tools to identify risk and assess the nutritional status of the elderly person;
2- Identify changes in nutritional status and implement appropriate nutritional therapy;
3- Adapt nutritional intervention in the elderly in particular clinical situations;
4- Develop nutritional and behavioral strategies that facilitate a better quality of life, give life to years both in particular clinical situations and in inexorable aging.
5- Demonstrate solid scientific knowledge in the area of dietetics and nutrition to treat patients from the nutritional point of view and contribute to patient improvement;
6-have increased skills to work in multidisciplinary teams.


Epidemiology and pathophysiology of aging;

Determinants and assessment of the nutritional status of the elderly;

nutritional assessment and intervention of the elderly;

Main nutritional problems of the elderly Anorexia and Malnutrition Obesity;

Methods of prevention and treatment of nutritional problems of the elderly, practical advice, nutrition in aging;

Nutritional supplementation, polymedication and adherence to therapy;

Physiological changes, nutritional needs and recommendations in the elderly. The benefits of nutrition in aging;

Chronic pathology and geriatric syndromes;

Provision of nutritional care in geriatric institutions;

Nutritional education, the elderly and caregivers;

Enteral feeding by tube when and how?


Nutrition and cancer in the elderly;

Active and healthy aging;

Managing affections in old age, the caregiver.


Curricular Unit Teachers




primary bibliography

ALIX, E. ; FERRY, M. – A nutrição da pessoa idosa. Coimbra : Lusodidacta, 2004.

Secondary bibliography

BOYLE, Marie A. ; HOLBEN, David H. – Community nutrition in action : an entrepreneurial approach. 5th ed. Belmont, CA : Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, cop. 2010
CHERNOFF, Ronni, ed. lit. – Geriatric nutrition : the health professional’s handbook. Fourth edition. Burlington, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning, cop. 2014
WORTHINGTON-ROBERTS, Bonnie S. ; WILLIAMS, Sue Rodwell ; JOHNSON, Donna B., ed. lit. – Nutrition throughout the life cycle. 4th ed. Boston ; Toronto : McGraw-Hill, cop. 2000
MAHAN, L. Kathleen ; ESCOTT-STUMP, Sylvia, ed. lit. – Krause’s food & nutrition therapy. 12th ed. St. Louis : Saunders/Elsevier, cop. 2008
EDELSTEIN, Sari, ed. lit. – Nutrition in public health : a handbook for developing programs and services. Third edition.
Sudbury, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning, cop. 2011.
ESCOTT-STUMP, Sylvia – Nutrition and diagnosis-related care. Eighth edition. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer, cop. 2015.