Teaching Methodologies
Teaching will be through theoretical classes, with exposition of the topics and discussion of articles with the students.
The practical classes will be, fundamentally, based on the resolution of clinical cases. Real clinical cases and articles on the same topic will be presented for analysis and discussion and resolution. Students will have the opportunity to discuss and ask questions with the professor and collaborator within the scheduled time. The continuous evaluation will be carried out in two moments:
– Resolution and presentation of a real clinical case – 40% (P)
– Written test – 60%. (T)
Students with a performance lower than 9 values in any one of the evaluations will be considered to have failed. The approval in UC is obtained when the weighted average of both moments of evaluation results in, at least, 10 values.
Learning Results
At the end of the course, the student should:
1. know how to execute meal plans adapted to the various pathologies related to nutrition and be sure of the benefit of nutritional therapy in improving the patient’s health status in each pathology or associated pathologies;
2. know the general rules that allow the elaboration of adapted and balanced nutritional plans in the nutritional and dietary plan in the various pathologies;
3. to account for and transform nutritional needs taking into account pathology or pathologies in a personalized diet plan adapted to each patient;
4. be able to motivate, through food education, behaviors and changes in eating habits to accept the prescribed diet plan;
5. demonstrate solid scientific knowledge in the area of dietetics and nutrition to treat patients from a nutritional point of view and contribute to patient improvement;
6. have increased skills to work in multidisciplinary teams.
1. Diet therapy in oncology
2. Diet therapy in cystic fibrosis
3. Diet therapy for autoimmune diseases
4.Diet Therapy in burned
5. Diet therapy in HIV / AIDS
6. Diet therapy in organ transplantation
7. Diet therapy in cardio-vascular pathology
Practical application of Dietotherapy: solving clinical cases
Curricular Unit Teachers
Holli, B. B., & Beto, J. A. (2018). Nutrition counseling and education skills : a guide for professionals (7th edition. ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health.
INSA, Tabela de composição dos alimentos portuguesa (2006). Instituto Nacional de saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge
Nix, S., & Williams, S. R. (2009). Williams’ basic nutrition & diet therapy (13th ed.). St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby/Elsevier.
Rolfes, S. et al (2009). Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition (8ªed). Wadsworth, USA: Cengage Learning
Shils, M. E., Shike, M., Ross, A.C., Caballero, B., Cousins, R.J. (2014). Nutrição Moderna na Saúde e na Doença (11ª ed.). São Paulo, Brasil: Manole.