Base Knowledge
Ability to use a PC.
Teaching Methodologies
Expository, demonstrative and active methods.
Learning Results
This course aims to acquire:
a) Basic skills in operating systems;
b) Ability to use and administer Unix systems;
c) Understanding the fundamentals of programming in Unix systems.
1. Operating system fundamentals. Objectives and system components. OS, Process and User Management. Levels of Privileges.
2. Unix/Linux Operating Systems Basics: Architecture. Components
3. Unix file systems. Permissions and security. User management Configuration files.
4. Installation and configuration of Unix/Linux systems. Using Unix/Linux command line. Commands for: file manipulation and management, manipulation and extraction of information in text files. Redirect Commands for machine management and user management. Command line desktop configuration.
5. Bash Script Programming. Unix task automation through Bash Script.
6. Scheduling. Processor management Escalation algorithms.
7. C programming for Unix environment: Process management. Signals. Files Redirect
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Teórica - 40.0%
- - Prática - composto por 5 testes - 60.0%
- - Teórica - 40.0%
- - Prática - composto por 5 testes ou exame prático - 60.0%
1. José Alves Marques; Paulo Guedes, Fundamentos de Sistemas Operativos (3ª Ed.), Editorial Presença
2. José Marques; Paulo Ferreira; Carlos Godinho; Luís Veiga; Rodrigo Rodrigues, Sistemas Operativos, FCA
3. João Garrott; Jorge Amador; João Castro, UNIX Curso Completo, FCA
4. Neil Mathew, Richard Stones, Beginning Linux Programming, Wrok Press
5. João Durães, elementos bibliográficos de Sistemas Operativos LEI-ISEC e CTeSP RSI – ISEC
6. Filipe Cardoso, elementos bibliográficos de Sistemas Operativos CTeSP RSI – ISEC