Base Knowledge
MS-Excel as an intermediate user
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical lectures serve to introduce the concepts, models and procedures of operations planning, with powerpoint support. Some procedures are exemplified using demonstrative methodology. Tutorial classes are used to adress, analise and solve problems applying the studied concepts and models, with MsExcel. The evaluation involves two written tests during the semester or a final exam.
Learning Results
This course aims to provide students with the concepts of operations and projects planning and control, as well as new approaches to production management. At the end, the student should identify the planning task and procedures at different time frames. They should calculate material and capacity needs, fulfilling goals and optimizing operations. They should use the project managements tools. They must know the different philosophies of production management. Generally, the unit intends to develop the skills of analysis and problem solving, applying the knowledge acquired.
1. AGGREGATE PLANNING: Strategies; Costs; Mathematical Models with Linear Programming. 2. PLANNING WITH INTERMITTENT AND CONTINOUS DEMAND: Scheduling; Heuristics; Evaluation of Performance, Balancing and sequencing of assembly lines; Heuristics in continous operation; Queueing theory. 3. MANAGEMENT OF WAITING LINES: Theory of waiting lines; Waitline systems (statistics, Little’s law, M/D/1, M/ M/1 and M/ M/s lines). 4.PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT OF MATERIALS: Inventory Management; Material Requirement Planning MRP; Capacity Requirement Planning CRP; Independent Demand; Costs; Deterministic and stocastics models; Economic Order Quantity and Safety Stock; Fixed-time periodic model. 5. PROJECT MANAGEMENT:Concepts and techniques- the diagram and the critical path; CPM; PERT 6. NEW PRODUCTION PHYLOSOFIES: Production in JIT (Just-In-Time), The Lean Tools: 5S, SMED, TPM, Synchronization of production with demand; Value Stream Mapping.
Curricular Unit Teachers
STEVENSON, W.J., Production / Operations Management, Irwin-McGraw-Hill
GOLDRATT, Eliyahu M., The Goal : A Process of Ongoing Improvement, Gower Publishing
KRAJEWSKI, L.J., RITZMAN, L.P., Operations Management ,Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc, 1996 RENDER, B., STAIR, R.M., Quantitative Analysis for Management , Allyn an Bacon Inc, 1998
CHASE, R.B., AQUILANO, N., Production and Operations Management, Irwin, 1989
RENDER, B., STAIR, R.M., Quantitative Analysis for Management ,Allyn an Bacon Inc, 1998
CHASE, R.B., AQUILANO, N., Production and Operations Management, Irwin, 1989
HILLIER,F.,S.,LIEBERMAN, G.J.,Introduction to Operations Research, McGraw-Hill