Base Knowledge
The correct use of the Portuguese language in terms of its elementary rules or grammatical structures is essential for the approval in this subject.
Teaching Methodologies
As this is a theoretical-practical course, regular attendance and active and critical participation by students will be strongly requested during classes.
There will be moments of expository nature (from the responsibility of the teacher), alternated with text analysis and practical exercises.
Real situations of communication and oral and written expression will be analysed.
Learning Results
This Curricular Unit is not intended to teach theories but rather to develop and improve techniques and skills of oral and written expression in Portuguese. Thus, this discipline has an eminently practical nature, seeking to answer a diverse set of practical questions, such as:
- To emphasize the importance of written and oral communication in the exercise of citizenship;
- To conceive Portuguese language as an instrument of access to other ways of thinking and representing the world and human relations;
- To develop and deepen grammatical, discursive and sociocultural competences (with relevance in the correction and enrichment of speech and oral and written expression);
- To acquire communication and oral and written expression techniques in order to act effectively in various situations of use.
I. Oral communication: formal and informal;
II. Written communication: vocabulary, writing texts and planning;
III. Techniques to write different types of documents:
1. Reports and technical works;
2. Summaries and minutes;
3. Techniques to present reports;
IV. Public communication techniques.
Curricular Unit Teachers
CUNHA, Celso e Lindley Cintra (1986), Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo. Lisboa: Edições João Sá da Costa.
ESTRELA, Edite, Maria Soares e Maria Leitão (2003), Saber Escrever, Saber Falar. Lisboa: D. Quixote.
LOPES, Ana e Conceição Carapinha (2013), Texto, Coesão e Coerência. Coimbra: Almedina.
LOPES, Isabel e Ana Peixinho (2011), Acordo Ortográfico 2011. O que mudou no Português Europeu. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
MATEUS, Maria Helena Mira et. al. (2003), Gramática da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: Caminho (5ª ed. revista e aumentada).
MONTEIRO, Manuel (2015), Dicionário de Erros Frequentes da Língua. SOREGRA.
PEASE, Allan e Barbara Pease (2006), Linguagem Corporal. Lisboa: Bizâncio.
PINTO, Manuel (2002), Novo prontuário Ortográfico (2ª ed. revista). Lisboa: Plátano Editora.
SANTOS, Joana Vieira (2011), Linguagem e Comunicação. Coimbra: Almedina.
SILVA, Paulo (2012), Tipologias textuais. Como classificar textos e sequências. Coimbra: Almedina.
Norma de notação bibliográfica da American Psycological Association APA
Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa On-line: Texto Editores Universal.