Learning Results
To understand the portuguese language as a way to access different ways of thinking, of representing the
world around us and understanding human relationships;
To develop gramatical, speech and sociocultural competences and skills;
To acquire both written and oral communication techniques in a way that helps students to be able to
performing an effective way in the most various contexts.
The communicative act – interactive act;
Parts of the communicative act;
Factors of the communicative act;
Communication functions.
Communication and oral expression:
Some particularities of the oral speech – spontaneous discourse and prepared discourse.
Communication and written expression:
Writing process stages; planning, text and revision;
Discourse: coherence, cohesion and connection.
Curricular Unit Teachers
CÂMARA JUNIOR, Joaquim Matoso (2002). Manual de Expressão Oral e Escrita. 21ª ed.. Petrópolis: Vozes.
CAMPBELL, John (1993) Técnicas de Expressão Oral. Lisboa, Presença.
FISKE, John (1993) Introdução ao Estudo da Comunicação. Porto, Asa.
KEENAN, K. (2000) Comunicar. Lisboa, Texto Editora
MATEUS, M.ª Helena Mira, Ana M.ª BRITO, Inês DUARTE, I. Hub FARIA et al. (2003)Gramática da Língua
Portuguesa. 5.ª ed. revista e aumentada. Lisboa, Caminho.
RODRIGUES, Adriano Duarte (2000) Dicionário Breve da Comunicação e da Informação. Lisboa, Ed. Presença.
A First Look at Communication Theory: http://www.afirstlook.com