Base Knowledge
Animal anatomy and phisiology
Teaching Methodologies
Theoretical approach to the presentation of theoretical concepts
– Permanent monitoring of case studies that illustrate the submitted materials and allow students the perception of the actual implementation of the concepts outlined
– Analysis of papers and disclosure, viewing videos / slideshows, consultation, case studies and research elements and comparative data
– Contact with the core of the cattle farm animal husbandry ESAC and other nearby farms to consolidate the syllabus exposed
Learning Results
1. Associate the main cattle breeds, autochthonous and allochthonous , with the production systems to be adopted in organic production; 2. Recognize the importance of animal growth and development in the quality and cost of beef production; 3. Addressing different aspects that can contribute to the rationalization of production systems to be adopted in organic beef production; 4. Know the legal constraints and rules underlying the production and marketing of cow’s milk; 5. Recognize the importance of proper management of breeding and rearing of animals replacement, particularly in organic production of milk; 6. Describe the production cycle of dairy cows in organic production, identifying the different factors that affect the quantity and quality of the milk produced; 7. Understand, in an integrated way, the similarities and differences between conventional production and organic production of beef and dairy cattle.
MODULE I – ORGANIC BEEF CATTLE PRODUCTION – Main breeds and production systems – Types of farms and agents of the beef production chain – Meat production and markets – Weight and differential growth – precocity, meat quality and production costs – Phenotypic evaluation and valuation and records – Caso and forage achievement of objectives – Management for the rationalization of the production system
MODULE II – ORGANIC DAIY CATTLE PRODUCTION – Production and marketing of cow’s milk – Notions of physiology and anatomy of the mammary gland and lactation – Zootechnical applications: milking machine – Sanitary, technical and economic implications – Main dairy and dual purpose breeds use for organic milk dairy production – Specific aspects in the management of the replacement herd – Feed management of the producer herd – Relation between the food management of cows and the main metabolic diseases
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Exame módulo II - 50.0%
- - Exame módulo I - 50.0%
- - Teste módulo I - 50.0%
- - Teste módulo II - 50.0%
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