Teaching Methodologies
The development of the theoretical component is done using the lecture method and presentation of specific materials, resorting to strategies of participatory exhibition and practical examples, as well as any passages of videos, slideshows and documentaries, to complement the information on the topics in question;
The organization of seminars with guest speakers and field trips, is also considered.
The preparation of field work, using the techniques discussed, involving observation and class discussion, is part of the UC practice, forcing the student to organize and apply the knowledge acquired in situations with their practicability.
Written tests, research papers, records of reading and oral presentations with discussion.
Learning Results
As a result of learning, it is intended that students acquire the following notions:
History and Development of Organic Farming (OF). Historical and ethical perspective. Ecological bases. The current situation of OA. The Agricultural Intensification versus Sustainability. Contrary to the intensification of agriculture movements. Standards and legislation. Fundamental principles and practices in organic farming (OF). Implementation techniques and demonstration of production technologies in OF.
Advantages, management, outstanding features and the environment in the production systems of the indigenous breeds of different livestock species in OF. Organization and functioning of studbooks.
Scales for the scoring of animals. The technician in OF, as an agent of change in the agricultural countryside, in the face of sustainability.
History and definition of Organic Farming (OF); Current Sustainable Agriculture (SA);
Methods and technologies in OF;
Principles and objectives and current legislation. Spontaneous recognition as indicators of fertility and soil type.
A biologist ground and interfering with fertility;.
The Trophobiosis in the diagnosis and prevention of plant health.
The Fitiatria in crop protection.
Genealogical books and preservation of indigenous breeds. Environment of the solar source of indigenous breeds and morpho-functional features of a traditional production system. Indigenous breeds of the major livestock species and integration into production systems. Preservation of morpho-functional characteristics of indigenous breeds, given the nature of explicit productivity improvement.
Change in the rural context and intervention from technical OF in neo-liberal models and food sovereignty.
Grading Methods
- - Exame - 100.0%
- - O Módulo 1- Avalia a Competência 1 . - 63.0%
- - O Módulo 2- avalia a Competência 2 - 37.0%
LAMPKIN, N. (1990). Organic Farming. Farming Press Books, Ipswich, 701 p.
PIMBERT, Michel (2008) Towards Food Sovereignty, Reclaiming autonomous food systems, IIED, London
Comissão Executiva Nacional (2004). Relatório Nacional sobre o Estado dos Recursos Genéticos Animais -Recursos Genéticos Animais em Portugal. Ed. Policopiada.
FERREIRA, J.C. et al (1998). Manual de agricultura biológico- Fertilização e protecção das plantas para uma agricultura sustentável. AGROBIO, Lisboa, 431 p.
MATOS, C. A. P. (2000). Recursos Genéticos Animais e Sistemas de Exploração Tradicionais em Portugal.
AFONSO, F; G. Candeias e M. Pratas (2013). “Raças Autóctones Portuguesas”. Ed: DGAV. Lisboa 2013
DENTINHO, Tomás e Rodrigues, Orlando (2007). Periferias e Espaços Rurais. Editora Principia, S. João do Estoril
GUET, G. (1993). Agriculture biologique méditerranéenne – Guide pratique à usage profissionel. Graphot, Saint-Paul-Châteaux, 520 p.
Archivos de Zootecnia. Volume, nº 187, p. 363-383.