Base Knowledge
Not applicable
Teaching Methodologies
In order to achieve the objectives of the curricular unit and the competences foreseen for the students, the learning teaching process is based on:
1. In theoretical-practical classes in which the teacher conveys theoretical concepts, followed by practical application by the student;
2. In practical classes held in the orchards and vineyards where the student accompanies the different cultures and where he performs the main cultural practices used in Fruticulture and Viticulture in the autumn-winter season.
Learning Results
1. Know the morphology of different fruit and vine plants and their functions
2. Know the ways to obtain plant material
3. Know the autumn/winter cultural operations carried out in orchards and vineyards in Organic Agriculture
4. Know and know how to use the specific techniques of the activity
1. External morphology of the main fruit trees and vines
2. Ways of obtaining plant material
• Main rootstocks of different fruit trees and vines
• Choosing the best symbiote in each situation
3. Pruning as an important cultural practice for organic agricultural production; the pruning techniques
4. The training systems, and economy of fruit and wine exploration
• Plant formation
• Adaptation of species, varieties and varieties to training systems,
• Edapho-climatic limitations when choosing the training systems,
Curricular Unit Teachers
•AGUSTI, M. (2004) – Fruticultura. Madrid: Ediciones Mundi-Prensa.
•ALCOBIA, M.D. e RIBEIRO, J.R. (2001) – Manual do Olival em Agricultura Biológica. Mirandela: Edições Terra Sã
•BALDINI, E. (1992) – Arboricultura General. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. Madrid.
•CARBONNEAU, A.; CARGNELLO, G. (2003) – Architectures de la Vigne et systèmes de conduite. Editions La Vigne
•FERREIRA, J.C. (Coord.) (2002) – Manual de agricultura biológica. AGROBIO Lisboa
•FIDEGHELLI, C. (1991) – Manual do podador. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
•HIDALGO L. (2012) – Taille de Vigne. Dunod. Pratiques Vitivinicole. 259pp.
•MAGALHÃES, N. – Tratado de viticultura. (2ª Ed.). Esfera Poética. 2015.
•MARTINEZ de TODA, F. (1991) – Biologia de la Vid. Fundamentos Biologicos de la Viticultura. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa.
•PUJOL, J. (1980) – Viticultura Prática. Dilagro s.a. / ediciones. Lerida.
•REYNIER, A. (1986) – Manual de Viticultura. Colecção Euroagro. Publicações Europa América.
•SERRANO, J.F. (2003) – Agricultura ecológica. Manual e guia didática. León: IRMA
•SILVA, A. (2016) – Enxertias. Manual Técnico para amadores e profissionais. Agrobook. (2ª Ed.). Porto.
•VELARDE, F.G. (1997) – Tratado de Arboricultura Frutal. Madrid: Mundi-Prensa, Vol. V.