Organic Orchards and vines in Spring / Summer

Base Knowledge

Knowledge of Biology contents is recommended.

Teaching Methodologies

To achieve the objectives of the curricular unit and the skills provided to students, the teaching-learning process is based on:

1. In theoretical-practical classes in which the teacher transmits theoretical concepts, followed by practical application by the student;

2. In classes held in orchards and vineyards where the student follows the different cultures and where he performs the main cultural practices used in Fruit Growing and Viticulture in the Spring-Summer season.

Learning Results

1. Know the different production systems in fruit and viticulture.

2. Know the different stages of vegetative development of the species under study.

3. Know the maintenance techniques of orchards and vineyards in Organic Production Mode

4. Understand the cultural implications of different operations on productivity.


1 Production regions

1.1 Edaphic-climatic conditions in each region

1.2 Species, varieties/variety

2. Plant adaptation to the environment

2.1. Cultural techniques according to the plant and the environment

2.2. Vegetative and Reproductive Cycle of fruit trees and vines

2.3. Growth and development

3. The great role of green pruning in Organic Farming

3.1 Implications of green interventions on productivity and quality.

Curricular Unit Teachers




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