Organic Pig Production

Base Knowledge

Introduction to Organic Farming, Biology I, Biology II, Animal Anatomy and Physiology, Animal Health, Animal Reproduction

Teaching Methodologies

The classes are of theoretical-practical nature. An expository methodology is used for the presentation of the theoretical material, exemplified then with practical exercises or activities in the ESAC pig-farm.

1) In the classroom with Powerpoint presentations and videos.

2) In the execution of practical work in the field (management of ESAC pig-farm and private farms outside of school), in the laboratory of the farm (natural reproduction, artificial insemination and methods of diagnosis of pregnancy)

3) In the bibliographic research and the analysis of articles and reports on the contents of the curricular unit.

Learning Results

The student should achieve skills of organic pig production (MPB/OPP) in the following areas:

Know the pig breeds adapted for organic production and the production cycle and general management; Know how to manage and feed the piglets and fatten the pigs; Identify the characteristics of the various production systems in MPB; Analyse, plan and implement adequate housing and environmental conditioning systems and adequate feeding systems for pigs in MPB; Assess performance and develop management strategies in pig farms in MPB; Certification of the installation and animal products as organic;

Know the reproductive management of swine in MPB; Know the important diseases that affect pigs in MPB; Know which alternative medicines and vaccines can be used in pigs in MPB; Know the factors that affect animal welfare and define the animal biosecurity plan and the plan of action to prevent African Swine Fever; Know the factors that cause “stress” in animals during transport to the slaughterhouse and the rules for the slaughter of Organic pigs;



To achieve the objectives of the course and the foreseen competencies for students, the teaching process is based on the following contents in two modules:

Module 1 – Pig Production, Nutrition and Accommodation Systems (60%)

1) Pig breeds adapted for organic production.

2) Organic production systems.

3) Nutrition, feeding and management of pigs in different stages of rearing (Males; Females: Gilts, Sows at different stages of pregnancy and at the time of delivery; Piglets – suckling and weaning; fattening) in organic farms

4) Housing and environmental conditioning for pig farms in MPB.

5) Production management, recording and performance evaluation.

6) Certification of the installation and animal products as organic.


Module 2 – Pig Breeding, Pig Health and Slaughter (40%)

1) Reproductive management in organic production.

2) Management for disease prevention in suckling and weaning piglets.

3) Animal Hygiene and Health and alternative medicines.

4) Biosecurity plan suitable for organic production – Biosecurity “of conception” and “Dynamic” Biosecurity, Plan of action for the prevention of African swine fever.

5) Transport of animals and the process for slaughtering organic pigs


Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Avaliação Contínua
  • - CF = (60% Prova escrita + 20% pesquisa bibliográfica e apresentação em Powerpoint + 20% relatório do trabalho no campo)) - 100.0%
Avaliação Por Exame
  • - prova escrita (60%) + prova prática/escrita relativa às matérias de práticas de campo (40%). - 100.0%




BLAIR R., Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Pigs. Oxfordshire, UK. CABI, Cromwell press, 2007

BRENT G. The pigmans hand book, London, Farming press Ltd., 1995.

FiBL Guide on Organic Pig Production in Europe – Health Management in Common Organic Pig Farming.  2011 publication

GEGNER L., Hog Production Alternatives, Livestock Production Guide NCAT agricultural specialist, UK, ATTRA publications. 2004

HILL, J.R. & SAINSBURY, D.W.B. – The Health of pigs ( Nutrição, alojamentos e prevenção das doenças) England, Longman Scientific & Technical group ltd., 1995.

LAMPKIN N. Agricultura ecológica. Madrid: Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, 1998

MPOFU, I. e S. MAKUZA. Pig Production: Science and Technology. Upfront Publishing, 2003.

MUIRHEAD M.R. & ALEXANDER T.J.L. Managing pig health and the treatment of disease. U.K. 5M Enterprises Ltd., 1997.

RIBEIRO J. A., MONTEIRO A. M., SILVA M. L. F. Etnobotânica – Plantas Bravias, Comestíveis, Condimentares e Medicinais. Mirandela, Editor João Azevedo, 2000.

SOEIRO A.[et al.]. Modo de produção biológico / Lisboa: DGDRural, 2000

THORNTON K. Outdoor pig production. U.K., Farming Press Books, 1995.

VIEIRA R.A.P. Manual de higiene em suinicultura /Rui Perestrelo Vieira. Lisboa: Publicaçöes Ciencia e Vida, Lda, 1985.

WHITTEMORE, C. – The Science and Practice of Pig production. England, Longman Scientific & Technical group ltd., 1993.

WILSON S., Feedind animals organically – the practicalities of supplying organic feed. In: Recent advances in animal nutrition. Nottingham, UK.ed Garnesworthy P.C. & Wiseman J., University of Nottingham Press. 2003