Teaching Methodologies
A disciplina funcionará com aulas/ sessões com a participação ativa dos alunos.
Nas aulas/ sessões serão apresentados pelos alunos pontos do programa e trabalhos propostos e com a supervisão do professor, numa dinâmica de discussão construtiva e de investigação entre todos os mestrandos.
Learning Results
Make students conscious of needs arising from information societies, namely in what concerns
acquiring/updating information, process of managing change and professional change in the context of ethics
and deontology. Stimulating work capacity in teams, argumentation and discussion capacity and develop taste in taking risks, trying to find clues for problem solving in the area of Human Resources.
1. Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
2. Organization Culture and Values
3. Business Ethics
4. Motivational Process and Motivational Techniques
5. Contemporary Views of Motivation
6. Leadership (and Power) in the Organization
7. Classical Approach of Leadership
8. Behavioural Approach (Leadership Styles)
9. Contingency Leadership Theory
10. Communication in the Organization
11. Groups – Team work
12. The Genesis of Conflict and its Management
13. Change and Innovation in the Organization
14. Managing Stress in the Organization’s Activities
15. Organizational Behaviour and Social Climate
Curricular Unit Teachers
BLANCHARD, K., Um nível superior de liderança (2006), Lisboa, Actual Editora.
DUBRIN, Andrew j., Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior (2005) 3e, Mason, Thomson.
KREITTNER, Robert, BUELENS, Marc e KINICKI, Angelo (1999), Organizational Behavior, First European
Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
PINA e CUNHA, M., REGO, A., CAMPOS e CUNHA, R., CABRAL- CARDOSO, C. (2006), Manual de
Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, Lisboa, rh Editora.
REGO, Arménio, CUNHA, Miguel, (2003), A essência da liderança, Lisboa, RH Editora
ROBBINS, Stephen P., (2004), Organizational Behavior, 11ª Ed., New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, Inc..