Base Knowledge
No prior knowledge is required.
Teaching Methodologies
- Pedagogical methods used in this course include theoretical-practical classes, where the aim is to present the themes and illustrate the contents through the debate of specific cases.
- Students will be invited to prepare the theoretical exposition classes in advance, by carefully reading the bibliography for each theme of the program. This previous work is considered essential, in order to alert the students to the contents to be exposed, facilitate their learning and improve their final performance. Any student, who, for whatever reason, is unable to prepare the classes, will jeopardize himself and reduce the performance of the group and of the class.
- The course will use the Moodle platform to provide support material. The Program and other study and working materials will be posted there.
Learning Results
a) Objectives
1- To present the Organizational Strategy under two general perspectives: as an activity and management practice and as an essential factor for the competitiveness of firms in an era of globalization;
2- Train committed professionals who are aware of the constant changes and demands of the market, making them aware of the importance and urgency of competitive advantages as a fundamental foundation for the firm’s strategy;
3- Provide students with knowledge related to the development of organizational strategy, aligning culture, people and structures with strategy, products, processes and technology.
b) Skills to be acquired:
Students should be able to analyze the social and economic context of business, in order to capture opportunities and threats while learning the strengths and weaknesses of organizations. Planning and implementing the strategy requires the use of tools and templates. In particular, students must:
- Know the meaning of Organizational Strategy
- Understand the evolution of the concept Strategy
- Understand the relationship between Strategic Management and Competitiveness
- Recognize the importance of Strategic Thinking and Planning in a firm
- Become aware of the different competitive strategies
- Recognize the characteristics that render the firm competitive
- Understand the steps of the strategic planning process
1. Strategy – the concept
2. Objectives, Values and Performance
3. Evolution of strategic thought
4. Strategic Thinking and Planning
5. The Strategic Management Process
(Teaching time: 6 hours)
1. Industry analysis and its fundamentals
2. Other topics on competitive analysis
3. Resource and skills analysis
4. Organizational structure and systems management: fundamentals of strategy implementation
(Teaching time: 6 hours)
1. Success and dimension of competitive advantage
2. Industry Evolution and Change Strategy
3. Innovation Management and Technology-Based Industries
(Teaching time: 9 hours)
1. Vertical integration and range of the firm
2. Global markets and multinational firms
3. Diversification strategy
4. Implementation of corporate strategy
5.Strategic alliances, merges and acquisitions
(Teaching time: 6 hours)
1. Current challenges: context, organization and management roles
2. The Blue Ocean versus Red Ocean Strategy
(Teaching time: 3 hours)
Curricular Unit Teachers
Main bibliography:
Grant, Robert M. (2016) Contemporary Strategy Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Publication, 9ª Ed.
Marques, J. P. C. (2018) Effective Mechanisms for Accessing Technology and Innovation Strategies Why and Who Innovate, How to Innovate?, in Jamil, G., Ferreira, J., Pinto, M., Pessoa, R. e Xavier, A. (Eds) Handbook of Strategic innovation management for improved competitive advantage, Chapter 9, pp. 138-162, IGI Global, USA.
Porter, M. (1996) What is strategy?, Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dez, pp. 71-78.
Porter, M. (2008) The five competitive forces, Harvard Business Review, Jan-Fev, pp. 78-94.
Barney, J. (2001) is the resource-based “view” a useful perspective for strategic management research? yes, Academy of Management Review, 26(1), 41-56.
Kaplan, R. S. e Norton, D. P. (2008) Mastering the management system. Harvard Business Review, 86(1), 62-77.
Kaplan, R. S. e Norton, D. P. (2006) How to implement a new strategy without disrupting your organization. Harvard Business Review, 84(3), 100-109.
Birkinshaw, J. E Ducke, U. (2013), Employee-Led Innovation Strategy, Business Strategy Review, 2, 46-51.
Kim, W. C. e Mauborgne, R. (2004) The Blue Ocean Strategy, Harvard Business Review, Outubro, pp. 76-85.
Kim, W. C. e Mauborgne, R. (1997) Value Innovation: The Strategic Logic of High Growth, Harvard Business Review, pp. 171-181.
Secondary Bibliography:
Jonhson, G., Scholes, K. e Whitthington, R. (2008) Exploring Corporate Strategy, Printice Hall 8ª Ed.
Barney, J. B. e Hesterly, I. W. (2010) “Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases”, Pearson Education, Inc, 3ª Ed.
Kim, W. C. e Mauborgne, R. (2007) A Estratégia Oceano Azul, Actual Editora, Lisboa.
Vasconcelos e Sá, J. A. (2002), A empresa Negligenciada, Verbo, Lisboa.
Vasconcellos e Sá, J. A. (1997) Os Senhores da Guerra. Bertrand, Lisboa.
Porter, M.E. (1980), Competitive Strategy, Ed. Free Press .
Porter, M.E. (1985), Competitive Advantage, – Ed. Free Press.
Thompson Jr, A., Strickland In, A. e Gamble, J. (2008) Administração Estratégica, McGraw-Hill Internacional do Brasil, 15ª Ed, São Paulo.
Kaplan, R. e Norton, D. (2001) Organização orientada para a estratégia, Campus, 15ª Ed., São Paulo.
Cruz, C. P. (2006) Balanced Scorecard: Concentrar uma organização no que é necessário, Vida Económica, Porto.
Mintzberg, H., Queen, J. B. e Ghoshal, S. (1998), The strategy process, Prentice-Hall 3ª Ed.
Ansoff, Igor (1977) Estratégia empresarial, McGraw-Hill, São Paulo.
Santos, F. Lopes dos (1990) Estratégia e Competitividade, Rei dos Livros, Lisboa.