Organization, Strategic & Quality Management in Entities for the Elderly

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

The teaching / learning methodology to facilitate the integration of content by students. The program will be presented, developed and evaluated through expository teaching methodologies and assets: a) theoretical sessions (the teacher’s responsibility); b). Theoretical and practical sessions where active student participation becomes important to significantly improve the capacity of reasoning and analysis of critical issues.
The continuing evaluation will be weighted between summative evaluation and continuous assessment and with the involvement of different times of proposed assessment, taking into account:
1- Summative assessment: evaluation of knowledge: 50%
2- Evaluation of active participation: or by individual and / or group work to present and discuss on learning environment: 50%
3- The assessment by exam will include a summative evaluation test of knowledge: 50%, as well as the realization of a practical exercise: 50%

Learning Results

1. Being able to identify the main concepts of Management, Strategic Management and Quality Management and its implications in public or private Entities for the elderly
2. Know the procedures about Corporate Strategy and its implementation in Entities for the elderly
3. Know the requirements for quality management systems and know how to identify, implement and analyze Quality Management Procedures.
4. To identify psychosocial risks in labor context and meet the contingency plans for organizations
5. Being able to assess the importance of practices management and their implications in the framework intra and inter organizational directed to providing services for older people
6. To identify incentive programs and networks of partnership at national and International level under innovation policies and partnership networks for the promotion of national and European projects.


1. Organizational framework, definition of concepts and applicability in institutions for elderly:(a) The organization; (b) Management and Strategic Management; (c) Quality and Quality Management
2. Management and Strategic Management: (a) Fundamentals of Strategic Management; (b) The Strategy and Organization; (c) Main stages of its implementation.
3. Quality Management Systems and the principles of Quality Management: (a) Standards, Systems and Certification Process for Quality; (b) The importance of Total Quality Management.
4. Psychosocial Risks and Organizational framework: (a) current national and European context of psychosocial risks and quality of workplace; (b) psychosocial risks: identification and intervention programs
5. Evaluation of Management Practices and key figures in relation to stakolders.
6. Incentive sénior programs and partnership networks at national and international level: Horizon 2020 and Portugal 2020.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing evaluation
  • - Frequency - 50.0%
  • - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
  • - Theoretical Component - 50.0%
  • - Practical Component - 50.0%




Antunes, M. L (2009). Qualidade para Principiantes. (2ª Ed).Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Constança, P. ; Ribeiro, O. (2012). Manual de Gerontologia. Lisboa: Lidel.
Lisboa, J; Coelho, A; Coelho, F; Almeida, F; Martins, A. (2004).Introdução à Gestão de Organizações. Barcelos: Vida Económica
Lopes, A.; Capricho, L. (2007). Manual de Gestão – Qualidade 100%. Lisboa: RH Editora, Lda.
Neely, A. (2002).Avaliação de desempenho das Empresas.Lisboa: Caminho.
Teixeira, S. (2011). Gestão Estratégica. Lisboa: Escolar Editora
Paulos, C. (2010). Gestão de Instituições para Idosos: Qualidade, Humanidade e Eficiência em Cuidados Geriátricos. Dashofer Holding Ltd.
Healthy Workplaces Good Practice Awards 2014–2015- Managing stress and psychosocial risks at work- European Agency for Safety and Health at work