Pharmacotherapy I

Base Knowledge

Solid knowledge of the contents contained in the disciplines of Pharmacology I and II;

General knowledge about the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs;

Notion of bioequivalence and bioavailability of drugs;

Knowledge of the pharmacology of the main pharmacotherapeutic groups.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical lectures using audiovisual and interactive means between students and teacher. Group research work on topics related to the program and subsequent presentation in class.

Theoretical-practical lectures using audiovisual means, group research work using information manuals on medicines, and solving technical and scientific professional problems.

Learning Results

The subject of Pharmacotherapy I has as general objectives to enable the student with adequate knowledge of theoretical and theoretical-practical nature in the context of drug therapy, combining the use of the drug with the
pathology. As specific objectives, we want students to develop an attitude of research, know use different sources of information about medicines, express the concepts that they acquire in precise language, both scientific and literary, correctly identify the active principles and the mechanism of action of the various drugs, autonomously use knowledge and information about medicines, interpret therapeutic prescriptions and relate them to the diagnosis, acquire skills
for solving professional technical and scientific problems and plan and apply standards conducive to good professional practices.



1 – Pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular diseases: Hypertension, Heart Failure, Arrhythmia, Angina Pectoris
2 – Pharmacotherapy for gastrointestinal diseases: Heartburn, Peptic and Duodenal Ulcer, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Celiac Disease, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Flatulence, Constipation, Diarrhea
3 – Pharmacotherapy of mental, neurological and psychiatric illnesses: Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia
4 – Pharmacotherapy of diseases of the osteoarticular system: Gout, Osteoarthrosis
5 – Pharmacotherapy of Infections: Pneumonia, Malaria.


1 – Literature and information in Pharmacy
  1.1 – Drug information databases
  1.2 – National Hospital Medicines Form (FHNM)
  1.3 – Therapeutic Record
  1.4 – Martindale.
  1.5 – National Therapeutic Index.
2 – Pharmaceutical Forms vs. Routes of Administration
3 – Analysis of medical prescriptions, clinical cases and medical prescriptions
4 – Practical determination of some diagnostic indicators: blood pressure and respiratory capacity.

Curricular Unit Teachers




Primary Bibliography:

Terapêutica Medicamentosa e Suas Bases Farmacológicas–Manual de Farmacologia e Farmacoterapia-S. Guimarães et al.
As Bases Farmacológicas da Terapêutica–Goodman & Gilman
Farmacologia Ilustrada–M. Mycck et al.
Farmacologia humana–Masson
Farmacologia integrada–C.Page et al
Martindale–The Complete Drug Reference
Formulário Hospitalar Nacional de Medicamentos
Prontuário Terapêutico
Índice Nacional Terapêutico
Compêndio Medicina Interna–Harrison

Secondary Bibliography:

Actualização terapêutica: manual prático de diagnóstico–F. Prado, J. Ramos

Farmácia e medicamento: noções gerais–J. Pita

The merck índex: an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals– S.Budari
Textbook of pharmacology-W. Bowman
The sanford guide to antimicrobial therapy–J.Sanford et al.