Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
The dynamics of UC will be supported on highly theoretical and practical classes (TP).
The TP framework will be implemented, using: PowerPoint presentation (multimedia projector), oral presentation, questioning individual, state documents to study, conducting individual and group work.
Introducing the concept of AFD I / group work: 20 points (p)
Introducing the concept of AFD II / individual work: 30 p
Analysis and review of the literature recommended – presentation of synthesis of one of the documents listed in the bibliography / work group: 40 p
Labor supply analysis programs AFD, the various sports bodies of the municipalities of the area of residence of the Master’s / individual work: 60 p
Presentation and defense work on the supply of programs AFD / 20 p
Projecting a journey of AFD / group work: 30 p
Assessment by examination:
A) theoretical and practical component (110 p)
B) Component and laboratory practice (90 p)
Learning Results
1. Identify the roles and responsibilities of the different bodies working in the sports system, based on the operational programs of Physical Activity and Sport (AFD).
2. Develop projects based AFD, in different contexts, times and places, whose purpose is the promotion of active lifestyles, important to maintain and / or improve the quality of life of populations.
3. Analyze, plan and operationalize, AFD development programs in the context of Education and Leisure (EL), by defining action plans (objectives, activities / methods / tools; final products; persons / entities involved; timing).
1. History and evolution of free time and leisure.
2. The practice of AFD in today’s society.
3. Functions and types of AFD.
4. The dynamics associated with promoters and producers of AFD.
5. Recreational-sports events.
6. Guidelines for the organization, planning, implementation and evaluation of AFD in optical EL.
7. Spaces for the development of AFD – indicators for the competence of formal and informal spaces (space area, capacity and quality of the spaces on the typology / equipment: for host AFD, fitness recipients, acessiblidades and the existence of areas support).
8. Games and Sports Activities Lúdicas in different contexts: formal, informal, not formal; “Indoor”; Outdoors / Nature.
Grading Methods
- - Laboratorial assessment - 45.0%
- - Theorical assessment - 55.0%
- - individual work (2 essays) - 45.0%
- - Work presentation - 10.0%
- - group work (3 essays) - 45.0%
Angel Soria, M., & CAÑELLAS, A. (1998). La animación deportiva (2.ª ed) . Barcelona: Inde.
Brotto, F. O. (2006). Jogos cooperativos: O jogo e o esporte como exercício de convivência (3.ª ed). Santos, SP: Projeto Cooperação.
Coutier, D. et al. (1990). Tercera edad, actividades físicas y recreación. Madrid: GYMNOS.
Foguet, O.C., & Balcells (1999). 1001 ejercicios y juegos de recreación (5ª ed.). Barcelona : Paidotribo.
Hoffman, S., & Harris (2002). Cinesiologia. O estudo da actividade física. Porto Alegre: Artmed Editora.
Marcellino, N. (2003). Formação e desenvolvimento de pessoal em lazer e esporte: Para atuação em políticas públicas. Campinas: Papirus Editora.
Marivoet, S. (2001). Hábitos desportivos da população portuguesa. Lisboa: IDP.
Mota, J. (1997). A actividade física no lazer: reflexões sobre a sua prática. Horizonte.
Stoppani, J. N. (2000). El servicio deportivo y recreativo municipal: modelos y programas para su desarrollo. Madrid : Gymnos.