Teaching Methodologies
In Tutorial classes it is made the resolution of application exercises about the subjects learned in Theoretical lessons in which a theoretical exposition is used but followed in many cases by an example of application for
knowledge consolidation purposes.
In a laboratorial component, four works (Viscosity, Ultrasound, Pendulum – damped oscillations and Gamma spectrometry) are performed in groups with the delivery of a final statement at the end of the lesson.
Evaluation: a kind of continuous evaluation is optional. It consists of three tests (T) during the semester and a minimum of 75% assiduity is demanded. Also approval in Practical works (P) is mandatory (minimum of 2
points). The final mark is Tx0,8+P, where T is worth 20 points and P 4 points. The approval requires a minimum of 10 points in the final mark.
The admission to final exam (E) is dependent on a P mark of 2 point at minimum. In a similar manner the final mark is Ex0,8+P, where E is worth 20 points and P 4 points.
Learning Results
Acquisition of fundamental knowledge in the fields of oscillations and waves. Enable a better understanding of these subjects that will be deepened in future curricular units, particularly in Optics unit.
Master radioactivity concepts in relation to its origin and characterization. To know the more common sources of ionizing radiation. Identify and understand the modes of interaction of ionizing radiation with matter.
Provide students with an initial approach to ionizing radiations which are widely used in biomedical applications, namely in hospitals (nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, radiology).
1. Oscillations: Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)? Superposition of two SHM? Beats? Damped oscillations? Forced oscillations and resonance
2. Waves: Travelling harmonic waves? Standing waves? Sound: Sound intensity? The Doppler effect? Ultrasound
3. Radioactivity: The radioactive decay law? The structure of the nucleus? Binding energy? Radioactive decays? Nuclear reactions? Fission? Fusion
4. Ionizing radiation: Xrays: characteristic and continuum spectra? Linear accelerators? Ciclotron? Radioisotopes
5. The interaction of ionizing radiation with matter? Interaction of alfa particles? Bragg curve? penetration depth? interaction of electrons? energy loss rate: depth penetration? Ionizing electromagnetic radiation? Interaction of xrays and gamma rays: photoelectric and Compton effects? Pair production? Absorption of gamma rays? Exposure and absorbed dose? Biological elimination: halflife? Accumulated activity.
Curricular Unit Teachers