Base Knowledge
Anatomy and physiology of respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Assessment and prescription of specialized interventions in respiratory and cardiovascular cases
Clinical reasoning oriented to maximize functioning.
Teaching Methodologies
Teaching methodologies include:
Presentation: to present the issues / content, raise problems and guide the approach of students; Use of different cases to illustrate the topics under study;
Discussion in small groups of clinical cases. To this end, students will have to resort to research, reading and problem solving to critically analyze and select appropriate physiotherapy assessment and intervention methods and techniques for patients with cardiovascular and respiratory pathologies. Construction and discussion of clinical cases including their evaluation, clinical reasoning, determination of smart objectives, intervention and reassessment strategies and plans. Flip-based learning.
Learning Results
Practical-instrumental (psychomotor performance);
Cognitive: reflective mental performance and knowledge;
Affective: growth of emotional/behavioral and attitude areas.
After completing the curricular unit, the student should know, understand and be able to:
Apply the principles of assessment, diagnosis, programming and intervention in conditions and problems associated with the cardiovascular and respiratory system, as well as to elaborate adequate records, based on Functionality/Disability;
Organize the elements associated to Physiotherapy procedures according to the components Structures, Functions, Activities/Participation and Contextual Factors
Develop strategies centered in the education/counselling of patients/patients and relatives and of the knowledge of the contribution of the different members of the health team so that the physiotherapist has a global vision of the patient/user
Critically analyze the models and practical strategies in the different contexts where the physiotherapist works
Evaluate the evidence of practice in the context of cardiovascular and respiratory conditions.
1. Examination and assessment of Functionality and Disability components (body structures and functions, activities and participation) and Contextual Factors in cardiovascular and respiratory conditions
2. Determination of prognosis in cardiovascular and respiratory conditions
Definition of expected smart goals;
Frequency and duration of sessions;
Factors that may influence the sessions and intervention plan;
3. Approaches based on evidence and focused on the patient/client with cardiovascular and respiratory conditions
New technologies, including Assistive Technologies and artificial intelligence
Health promotion and prevention of secondary problems;
Education and counseling;
Community-based rehabilitation;
Curricular Unit Teachers
Principal Bibliography
Ambrosetti M, Abreu A, Corrà U, Davos CH, Hansen D, Frederix I, Iliou MC, Pedretti RF, Schmid JP, Vigorito C,
Voller H, Wilhelm M, Piepoli MF, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Berger T, Cohen-Solal A, Cornelissen V, Dendale P,
Doehner W, Gaita D, Gevaert AB, Kemps H, Kraenkel N, Laukkanen J, Mendes M, Niebauer J, Simonenko M, Zwisler AO. Secondary prevention through comprehensive cardiovascular rehabilitation: From knowledge to implementation. 2020 update. A position paper from the Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020 Mar 30:2047487320913379. doi:10.1177/2047487320913379. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32223332.
American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 10th edition, 2018;
APFisio. “Registo, logo existo!”: Registo Clínico de Fisioterapia, 2018. Disponível em:
Secondary Bibliography:
Ambrosetti M, Abreu A, Corrà U, Davos CH, Hansen D, Frederix I, Iliou MC, Pedretti RF, Schmid JP, Vigorito C,
Voller H, Wilhelm M, Piepoli MF, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Berger T, Cohen-Solal A, Cornelissen V, Dendale P,
Doehner W, Gaita D, Gevaert AB, Kemps H, Kraenkel N, Laukkanen J, Mendes M, Niebauer J, Simonenko M, Zwisler AO. Secondary prevention through comprehensive cardiovascular rehabilitation: From knowledge to implementation. 2020 update. A position paper from the Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation Section of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2020 Mar 30:2047487320913379. doi:10.1177/2047487320913379. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32223332.
American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 10th edition, 2018;
APFisio. “Registo, logo existo!”: Registo Clínico de Fisioterapia, 2018. Disponível em:
Bibliografia Secundária
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Anderson L, Oldridge N, Thompson DR, Zwisler AD, Rees K, Martin N, Taylor. RS. Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for coronary heart disease: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2016;67(1):1–12
Anderson L, Nguyen TT, Dall CH, Burgess L, Bridges C, Taylor RS. Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation in heart transplant recipients. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD012264. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD012264.pub2. Accessed 13 May 2021.
Atkinson HL & Nixon-Cave K. A Tool for Clinical Reasoning and Reflection Using the International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Framework and Patient Management Model. Physical Therapy, 2016;91(3):416-430.
Bott J, Blumenthal S, Buxton M, Ellum S, Falconer C, Garrod R, et al. Guidelines for the physiotherapy management of the adult, medical, spontaneously breathing patient. Thorax. 2009;64(SUPPL. 1).
Calabrese M, Garofano M, Palumbo R, Di Pietro P, Izzo C, Damato A, Venturini E, Iesu S, Virtuoso N, Strianese A, Ciccarelli M, Galasso G, Vecchione C. Exercise Training and Cardiac Rehabilitation in COVID-19 Patients with Cardiovascular Complications: State of Art. Life (Basel).2021 Mar 21;11(3):259. doi:10.3390/life11030259. PMID: 33801080; PMCID: PMC8004041.
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WHO. ICF Browser. Disponível em: