Base Knowledge
There are no recommended basic knowledge.
Teaching Methodologies
In order to achieve the objectives of the Curricular Unit and acquire the expected skills, the teaching-learning process is based on:
a) Class presentation and discussion of theoretical concepts, by the teacher and students.
b) Field classes of contact with the enemies of cultures and its effects.
c) Laboratory classes to identify symptoms, enemies, beneficial agents and discussion of results.
d) Development of literature on topics within the CU to prepare presentations by students.
Learning Results
1. Know the crop protection measures against pests, diseases and weeds compatible with organic farming.
2. Be able to make decisions about measures that are most appropriate to solve problems in specific situations and to apply these measures.
1. Principles and components of sustainable crop protection.
2. Methodologies for monitoring crop enemies and risk assessment.
3. Indirect control measures against the enemies of cultures.
4. Direct control measures alternatives to plant protection products or pesticides.
5. The sustainable use of pesticides.
6. The pesticides authorized in organic farming.
7. Legislation about pesticides and their application.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Grading Methods
- - Individual and/or Group Work - 50.0%
- - Frequency - 50.0%
- - Exam - 100.0%
ACTA-(1991) Les auxiliaires. Ennemies natureles des ravageurs des cultures. Paris.
AMARO, P. (2003).-A Protecção Integrada. ISA Press.
CUNHA, M. J.; CASAU, F.; AMARO, R. e OLIVEIRA, A. (2005)-Tecnologias Limpas em Agro-Pecuária. Colecção Agricultura e Ambiente. Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação.
FERREIRA, J. C. (Coord.). (2012) As Bases da Agricultura Biológica Tomo I – Produção Vegetal. EDIBIO. Lisboa.
FRESCATA, C. (2004)-Protecção contra pragas sem luta química. Colecção AGRO. Publicações Europa-América.
MOREIRA, I.; BOULET, C.; ZARAGOZA, C.; TALEB, A. (1986)-Ervas daninhas das vinhas e pomares. I.S.A. Lisboa.
SIMÕES, J. S. (2005)-Utilização de Produtos Fitofarmacêuticos na Agricultura. Colecção Agricultura e Ambiente. Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação.
Regulamento (CE) nº 834/2007 do Conselho, de 28 de Junho de 2007.
Regulamento (CE) nº 889/2008 da Comissão, de 5 de Setembro de 2008.
Directiva 2009/128/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, de 21 de Outubro de 2009.