Base Knowledge
Teaching Methodologies
Classes with informatic support, classes with discussion, group learning, brainstorming.
Learning Results
Acquaint the students with the structure and utilization of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).
Configure and program a PLC to perform command and control actions on systems of various physical quantities.
Know to command and control hydraulic, pneumatic or other systems, containing electrical drives, using specific software.
PLCs: Introduction, PLC structure, constitution and operation methods of a PLC.
PLC programming: Introduction, ladder Language, simple and structured programming. Functions and main instructions of a programmable PLC.
PC-PLC communication interface.
Hardware configuration and parameterization.
Digital and analogic operations; main functions and instructions, visualization and practical simulation of functions and main instructions of a PLC.
Interconnection between sequential electro-pneumatic circuits, physical systems and PLCs.
Practical examples using didactic simulation systems.
Curricular Unit Teachers
Recommended Bibliography:
BEIRÃO, P. (2020). Power Point slides of theoretical-practical classes. ISEC (available on the academic platform InforEstudante)
BEIRÃO, P. (2010). Programação de Autómatos (Aulas Práticas). ISEC (available on the academic platform InforEstudante)
BEIRÃO, P (2008). Programação de Autómatos (Aulas Teórico-práticas). ISEC (available in the academic platform InforEstudante)
BERGER, H. (2013). Automating with SIMATIC S7-1200 : configuring, programming and testing STEP 7 Basic visualization with HMI Basic (2nd ed.). Erlangen: Publicis Publishing (availbale in ISEC Library: 1-6-397)
NOVAIS, J. (1991) Método Sequencial para Automatização Electropneumática (2ª ed.). Calouste Gulbenkian (availbale in ISEC Library: 1-6-157)
PIRES, J. N. (2007). Automação Industrial (3ª ed.). Ed. Técnicas e Profissionais ETEP (availbale in ISEC Library: 1-6-302)
Complementary Bibliography:
FRANCISCO, A. (2003). Autómatos Programáveis. Ed. Técnicas e Profissionais ETEP
PINTO, C. (2004). Técnicas de Automação. Ed. Técnicas e Profissionais ETEP
SIEMENS, (2000). Simatic Step7 – Programação 1. Siemens SA
SIEMENS (2000). Simatic Step7 – Programação 2. Siemens SA