Base Knowledge
Not applicable
Teaching Methodologies
The first part of the class is dedicated to the presentation of the main ideas and author proposals but the students are called frequently to engage in the study of the field.
The evaluation includes:
I. One written test
II. Practical work and practice-based learning to be presented in class as well as a final pre-schedule paper.
Learning Results
This subject is interested in understanding media industry and their techno-economic politicies of organization by analysing media groups, multimedia business and management models. The proposal is to maintain journalism and the media industry as a pursue to the public interest as its financial reach into the areas of telecommunications, information technology, and entertainment. The value of the media, under the effect of the digital network, now surpasses the value of content ownership. To analyse this new media environment and the political-economic principles we value the critical theory authors.
Communication politics in dubious times: mapping the field.
Understanding media organization and production: trends in a strategic new media industry environment.
Managing technological change.
Knowledge workers in the information society.
New Ecologies: practices and production.
How to Save Journalism.
Grading Methods
- - Exam - 100.0%
- - practical works - 50.0%
- - Frequency - 50.0%
Croteau, David e Hoynes, William (2005), The Business of Media : Corporate Media and Public Interest, London, Sage.
Martins, Hermínio e Garcia, José Luís (ed.)(2003), Dilemas da Civilização Tecnológica, Lisboa, Imp. de Ciências Sociais
Graça, Sara Meireles (2007), Os Jornalistas Portugueses: dos Problemas da Inserção aos Novos Dilemas Profissionais, MinervaCoimbra.
Klinenberg, Eric (edit) (2005), Cultural Production in a Digital Age, Philadelphia: The ANNALS American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 597, Jan.
McChesney, Robert W. (2008),The Political Economy of Media: enduring issues, emerging dilemmas, NY,Monthly Review Foundation.
Mosco,Vincent (2006),The Political Economy of Communication: rethinking and renewall, London, Sage.
Schiller, Dan (1999), Digital Capitalism. Networking Global Market System, Cambridge M., MIT Press.
Sousa, Helena (org.) (2006), Comunicação, Economia e Poder, Porto, Porto Editora.