Português para estrangeiros A1 | 60 horas | regime E-learning

Teaching Methodologies

Teaching methodologies:

– Explanation

– Application exercises of vocabulary and grammar

– Teacher-student and student-student verbal interaction (dialogues, verbal interaction in simulated everyday situations)

– Reading comprehension and written and oral production exercises

– Systematic grammar instruction


Assessment method: continuous assessment

The following elements will be considered:

– written test 1 (25%)

– written test 2 (25%)

– oral test (25%)

– homework and participation in class assignments (25%)

Learning Results

At the end of this course students should be able to:

 – Identify and apply the elementary linguistic structures and the grammar rules required to communicate in Portuguese

 – Understand and produce simple sentences (oral and written) about basic everyday experiences and topics

 – Recognize and appropriately use the vocabulary and expressions related to the communicative situations studied


Vocabulary areas:

 – Personal data

 – Daily routine

 – Leisure time

 – Commerce and consumer services

 – Health

– Description, location of people and objects

 – Time (days, months, hours)

– Description of activities (present and past)


Linguistic structures

 – Nouns and adjectives: gender, number

– Adverbs

 – Verbal inflection: indicativo (presente, pret. perf. simples, pret. Imp.(politeness)); common periphrasis; modal verbs


 – Determiners: articles (definite and indefinite), demonstrative, possessive

 – Pronouns: personal, possessive, demonstrative, interrogative,

 – Quantifiers

 – Prepositions

 – The sentence 

    –  Unmarked word order

    –  Agreement

    –  Simple sentence structure

    – Complex sentence structure: coordination and subordination (requiring indicative forms)

Curricular Unit Teachers




Material disponibilizado pela docente ao longo do semestre.