Portuguese and European Economics

Base Knowledge

Not applicable.

Teaching Methodologies

 Presentation and discussion of programmatic topics. Analysis of texts and economic information and discussion of topics related to the Portuguese and European economy.

Learning Results

To know the Portuguese Economy evolution in the last decades, making the evaluation of the policies which
have proved to be strategic for the economic growth.
To understand the role of the major structural reforms in the process of the liberalization of the economy. To
show the response capacity of the Portuguese economy in meeting the challenges of competitiveness


I – The Portuguese economy in the last decades
1. From the first republic to the military dictatorship (1910 – 1926)
2. From the stabilization to the pre-conditions of growth (1926 – 1950)
3. The “Golden Era” of the Portuguese economy (1950 – 1974)
4. The post revolution period – the conjuncture of 1974-1976
5. The European transition period (1976- 1985)
6. The European period
II – Some economic growth indicators and a brief analysis of the productive sectors
III – The globalization phenomenon and the formation of regional agreements
IV -The several economic policies and the institutional framework
V – Challenges for the XXI century – Portugal within the European and world context

Curricular Unit Teachers




Bibliografia principal:
Lopes, J. (2004), A Economia Portuguesa Desde 1960, 7.ª Edição, Gradiva.
Mateus, A. (2006), Economia Portuguesa desde 1910, 3.ª Edição, Verbo.
Mateus, A. et al. (1995), Portugal XXI – Cenários de Desenvolvimento, Bertrand Editores.
Rodrigues, M. e Silva, P.(Org.) (2012), Políticas Públicas em Portugal, INCM e ISCTE-IUL.