Portuguese Sign Language as Second Langauge Didactics

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Classes will focus on group work, debat and laboratory.

Learning Results

To know the theorethical framework on second language didactics

To understand what is a Cochlear Implant

To realize the urge of making PSL accessible to all deaf people

To produce specific tasks to develop deaf identity

To produce didactical resources to the teaching of PSL as a second language to deaf and youth children


1. The implanted child: Portuguese and PSL acquisition

2. The cochlear implant: gains and losses?

3. The Cochlear implant; how many identities?

4. PSL as a Second Language and Portuguese as Second Language

5. Analyse and produce didactical resources for the teaching os PSL as a Second Language

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - Written test - 50.0%
  • - oral presentation of a class - 50.0%
Evaluation by Exam
  • - Witten and sign language test - 100.0%




Baptista, José Afonso (2011), Introdução às Ciências da Educação – Temas e problemas da educação inclusiva, Coleção Língua Gestual, nº 9, Lisboa: UCP

Madeira, Ana (2017). Aquisição de língua não materna. In Maria João Freitas e Ana Lúcia Santos (eds.) A aquisição de língua materna e não materna. Questões gerais e dados do Português, pp. 305-330. Berlin: Language Science Press

Santana, Ana Paula (2007), Surdez e Linguagem, Plexus

Nunes, Maria Vânia & CALDAS, Alexandre Castro (2012), Neurociência e Cognição, Coleção Língua Gestual, nº20, Lisboa, UCP

Soares, João Pedro Caixinhas Moreira (2017), Implante Coclear: Considerações Éticas e a Cultura Surda, trabalho final do Mestrado Integardo em Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa. Disponível em http://repositorio.ul.pt/bitstream/10451/31889/1/JoaoPMSoares.pdf