Portuguese Sign Language: Language Acquisition and Grammar

Base Knowledge


Teaching Methodologies

Inspite of the need of exposing contents, this Curricular Unit has also a practical component that aims to conduct students to think about issues like culture, language and appllied linguistics.

Learning Results

Communication is fundamental to humans regardless of the form of communication. Thus it is necessary to make known deafness and its implications in communication, between deaf and hearing. It is intended that with this Curricular Unit students acquire theoretical knowledge on the issues of deafness and how to communicate with those who use a language other than the majority listener. The main objectives of this curricular unit are to make known the various types of deafness, to recognize and to value the LGP and the deaf culture; understand the acquisition of pre-linguistic and post-linguistic language; to relate theoretical knowledge to the grammatical structure of the language and to reflect on it. Thus, we will discuss several cultural and lexical issues that will enable the student to teach and learn a language, contributing to a metalinguistic reflection, through socio-discursive and cultural examples.


• Definition of Deafness: Medical and Anthropological Perspective

• Ear physiology; Types of Deafness; Degree of hearing loss; SurdoCegueira

• Moment of language acquisition: Pre-linguistic and post-linguistic deafness.

• Language and its role in human development: acquisition of language by deaf children daughters of deaf parents, deaf children daughters of hearing parents, hearing children daughters of deaf parents, children hearers daughters of hearing parents;

. Language and thought of deaf children

• The oldest of languages according to William Stokoe

• Deaf Culture:

– Concept of Deafhood; Deaflore; Deaf Gain; Deaf way; Empowerment

– Lexicon;

– Idiomatic expressions in context;

– Language expressions in context;

– Explicit and Implicit Awareness in PSL.

Curricular Unit Teachers

Grading Methods

Continuing Evaluation
  • - signed test on the syllabus - 60.0%
  • - written essay, with a signed summary, on one of the contents studied. - 40.0%
Evaluation by Exam
  • - exam - 100.0%




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GÓES, M. (1999) Linguagem, Surdez e Educação. Editora Autores Associados, Lisboa.

SIM-SIM, I. (2000) Contribuição para a educação das crianças surdas. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa

Amaral, M. A., Coutinho, A. (2005) Inovação, teoria e práctica no ensino bilingue de crianças surdas. In Coelho, O. (Coord.). Perscrutar e Escutar a Surdez. Afrontamento Edições

Amorim, M. C.; Gonçalves, L. M. (2005) A Surdez em questão: Cognição, Linguagem e Funcionamento Cerebral. In Coelho, O. (Coord.). Perscrutar e Escutar a Surdez. Afrontamento

Hickok, G., Bellugi, U., Klima, E. (2001). Sign Language in the Brain. Scientific American. EUA, pp 46-53

Paddy, L. (2013). Em Busca da Surdidade 1 – Colonização dos Surdos. Lisboa: Surdúniverso.

QUADROS, Ronice Muller de & PIZZIO, Aline Lemos (2010), Bases Biológicas e Aquisição da Linguagem, Coleção Língua Gestual Portuguesa, nº8, Lisboa UCP